Sun Perennials


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Lyreleaf Sage

Lyreleaf Sage

Lyreleaf Sage is a perennial wildflower characterized by its delicate, lyre-shaped leaves and spikes of tubular, purple-to-blue flowers. It is often found in dry, open woodlands and meadows. When thoughtfully integrated into landscaping designs, it presents a range of benefits. Its distinctive appearance, adaptability, contributions to biodiversity, and potential for enhancing outdoor spaces' visual and ecological aspects make it a valuable addition to gardens and landscapes. Lyreleaf Sage Produces Flowers Annually  Lyreleaf sage, also known as Salvia lyrata, is an herbaceous perennial. This means that its stems usually do not consist of any woodsy parts. It produces flowers annually before losing them every winter and usually lives for over two years.  Also, being described as "sage" means that it is a hardy, vigorous plant that can withstand being walked on much more than is the case for many other types of greenery. It is also known for its ability to resist, especially wet or dry conditions. This plant is the only one with this specific description native to North America. It should not be confused with the nightshade, an East Asian flowering plant. Lyreleaf Sage Has A Long Stem With Blooms This hairy perennial grows a rosette of leaves at its base, and those leaves, which have irregular margins, can extend up to 8 inches. Its stem usually reaches 1-2 feet long, and leaves typically grow higher, although those located there are much simpler. Its leaves are dark green for much of the year, usually changing to dark purple in the winter. Flowering tends to happen more extensively in April, May, and June, although it can occur sporadically throughout the year, with fall commonly being another significant time. These blue or violet flowers reach an inch long and attract butterflies and hummingbirds, while bees are their predominant pollinators. This plant can transition from being a seed to flowering in just a few months. Where Lyreleaf Sage Is Found The natural settings for most of these flowering plants include open areas and along forest edges. It is also commonly found in clearings, meadows, and sand. Many use it in gardens and lawns. Lyreleaf Sage's native area is spread throughout much of the eastern half of the United States, specifically from Connecticut south to Florida and west to Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas.

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Dandelion Plant

Dandelion Plant

Dandelion perennials have bright yellow, disk-like flowers atop slender, green stems with jagged-edged leaves that form a rosette at the base. While it is often considered a weed due to its rapid growth and ability to spread, it possesses several characteristics that can benefit landscaping. Dandelion Plant Can Reach 1 Feet Tall Dandelion plants can reach a height of eight to 12 inches and have a rosette of leaves around a deep taproot. The leaves are sleek and feature acute indentations without any visible hairs. They have lance-, rectangular-, or spatula-shaped foliage and flower heads covered with ray petals. Their blooms, which can grow up to two inches long, are a single shade of yellow and sit on a sturdy, hollow stem. Although they bloom from April through September, they're most noticeable in May and June. Well-established dandelion plants sometimes bloom twice, once in the spring and once in the fall.  Improve Soil Quality With The Dandelion Plant They have roots that spread wide. This loosens hard-packed soil and increases aeration, making it healthier. Their roots extract calcium and potassium from the earth, making these vital nutrients available to nearby flowers. Because their roots also hold the soil together, these flowers help prevent erosion. The dead foliage adds organic matter to the soil and provides essential nutrients for grass to grow strong and green. Their wind-aided seed distribution and cross-pollination capabilities also make them useful for fertilizing grass. About nine to 15 days after the yellow flowers appear, they reveal a white puffball, a fuzzy pappus. The wind carries bits of the fuzzy pappus containing seeds as part of the flowers' reproduction process. Hummingbirds, mainly, like these fuzzy seeds and use them to build nests. Pollinators Rely On The Dandelion Plant In early spring, many pollinators rely on them for their nectar. While some can yield as many as 400 seeds, the typical yield is 180. Pollinators like ladybugs, honeybees, and moths play a crucial role in pest control by eating, weakening, and killing garden pests.

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Echinacea Plant

Echinacea Plant

The echinacea plant is a famous Spring and Summer blooming pollinator perennial. It's also known as the Purple Coneflower Plant. At maturity, it can grow from 1 to 3 feet in height and serves as a master of the flower garden to attract monarchs, goldfinches, and all types of pollinators and birds. Monarchs flock to these plants at TN Nursery. Go to YouTube and search "TN Nursery Monarchs on Coneflower Plants" to see all the videos Tammy puts on YouTube to prove they flock to them. This is our best-seller perennial, and for a good reason; look at the videos, the proof's here! Echinacea Plant Blooms Light-Dark Purple Echinacea plants are beautiful native perennial flowers with super sturdy stems holding the flowers in place. They have daisy-shaped blooms but are dark purple and very colorful in a sun garden. Depending on the pH of your soil, the blooms range from pale purple to deep purple when the pH is balanced.  Echinacea Plant Has Unique Foliage  This perennial has lanced-shaped leaves and blooms, and they vary in size, often ranging from medium height to larger, making them unfit. They are also a favorite in flower beds and gardens alike. There are other species of coneflowers, known as cultivars. The yellow varieties are well-accented. The Echinacea Plant Does Well In Dry Areas  Echinacea plants prefer the sun and a good drainage area. The spreading petals offer the flower a disc-like appearance, often used in many upscale landscaping designs and schemes. These long-blooming perennials rebloom every spring, offering years of enjoyment in the garden.  They can also thrive in partial shade. Being one of the top pollinator flowers, this is deficient maintenance and easy to care for. It's a wildflower native to the Eastern United States, and some of the D.O.T.s have planted it in interstate mediums to restore the monarch's extinction. They are highly sustainable flowers that you will never tire of due to their ability to ward off pests and diseases, making them highly desirable. TN Nurseries' Absolute Best Selling Plant Of All Times

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Daffodil Plant

Daffodil Plant

The Daffodil Plant is a Spring-blooming, trumpet-shaped flower characterized by its vibrant yellow or white petals and central trumpet-like corona. It adds a burst of color to gardens and landscapes. The plant's vibrant colors, from sunny yellows to pastel lemon, create striking visual displays that brighten any outdoor area. Daffodils are famous for being yellow, but there are all kinds of other colors, as well, including white, orange, and even pink. They also feature varieties with more than one of these colors. Therefore, they can form a splendid and colorful swash throughout any garden. They have adorned gardens for thousands of years. Indeed, the Greek name is Narcissus. Currently, it's the national flower of Wales. They've been harbingers of the coming of spring throughout their existence, and because they're perennials, each plant does the same for many years throughout its life cycle. They'll anchor your garden through spring and summer as long-lasting blooms, drawing people's gaze to their grace and beauty. The Blooming Trumpet The Daffodil Plant Before they bloom, the trumpet of the mature bloom is covered in a waxy shell called a spathe. The spathe is delicate and reflects the entire light spectrum when covered in morning dew. Not every daffodil forms a trumpet, however. They form two kinds of cups: charming double blooms and what's known as the jonquil, which is a beautiful two-toned bloom. Generally, there are two kinds of jonquils: one with primarily white petals and yellow accents and one that's the opposite. Such flowers that sport two exquisite colors can act as a transition between sections of the garden. The Daffodil Plant Can Reach 3 Feet Tall They can grow almost to 3 feet tall and a foot wide. Their mature leaves are tall and straight and only sag toward the end of the growing season at the beginning of August. They last more than a month through the heart of the summer, lending their multicolored cheek to any garden. Because they thrive in containers as much as in the open, they're a terrific accent for window sills, porches, patios, and decks, bringing their polychromatic cheeriness to every part of the garden and the whole property. Partners for Daffodil Plant The bright yellow of the plant pairs very well with other garden residents, including the Northern Blue Star with its deep blue and indigo blooms and the vibrant red of roses or dahlias. The color palette is nearly endless when considering them fresh, with fabulous flexibility.

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Fleabane Daisy

Fleabane Daisy

Fleabane Daisy boasts delicate, white to pale pink petals surrounding a yellow center, and it is known for its ability to thrive in various natural a charming and beneficial plant with numerous advantages in landscaping projects. This perennial flower belongs to the Asteraceae family and is known for its delicate appearance and versatility in outdoor spaces. The Fleabane Daisy is a precious North American flower that embodies the beauty of simplicity. As a pioneer species of the Rocky Mountains, this indigenous plant is acclaimed for its bright coloration and vibrancy. What Makes Fleabane Daisy So Unique Also known as Erigeron annuus, it is not your typical flower. In contrast to other members of its genus, this flower can be partially distinguished by its ample coarse-toothed leaves. The unusual cleft shape is a distinctly recognizable attribute that is particularly noticeable around the stem base. A tendency towards narrowing can be observed near the top, but their symmetrical pattern remains intact. The stem showcases a slight hairiness that can often only be seen up close. Fleabane Daisy Blooms White, Pink, Purple  With faint shades of pink and purple, the petals subtly evoke qualities of both romance and affection. From off-white to lavender, these daisies possess an irresistibly eye-catching and attractively understated gradient. Their gold and yellow centers discreetly provide an ideal contrast that lavishly amplifies the flower’s soft visual enticements. The relatively small circular core keenly enhances a slender and wispy presentation. Their blooming is culturally associated with late spring, and they commonly continue sprouting new flowers into mid-autumn. Heights vary widely due to their adaptive spirit, but they often grow up to 4 feet tall. Meanwhile, the delicate petals vary in length individually. They are approximately 1 inch long, and there are usually more than 100 per flower. An impressive clustering capacity often generates over 40 flower heads per stalk. This powerful inflorescence ultimately cultivates a rich and luscious visage. Fleabane Daisy Reseeds Itself  Fleabane Daisy is typically an annual species but has also been observed adapting to a biennial life cycle. Its quaint appearance masks an underlying robustness. It is renowned for its resilience, and this hearty nature lends itself to an abundant flowering cycle. Despite a reliance on standard pollination processes, these plants also can self-fertilize. As a favorite delicacy among bees, it is recognized for its contributions to healthy landscapes of all kinds.

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Ranunculus Repens

Ranunculus Repens

Ranunculus repens, commonly known as creeping buttercup, is a low-growing, perennial herbaceous plant with bright yellow, glossy flowers and deeply lobed leaves. It is a flowering perennial plant that can offer various landscaping benefits. Its deep golden flowers and lush green foliage make it a favored option for adding graphic appeal to gardens, lawns, and outdoor spaces. While Ranunculus Repens is often sold by its scientific name, many gardeners know this beautiful flower called creeping buttercup. Initially, this yellow flower was native to Europe, northwestern Africa, and Asia. Because of its incredible beauty, it has gradually spread to home gardens throughout the world. The Golden Flowers Of Ranunculus Repens One of the biggest reasons gardens love it is its golden flower. The glossy petals are popular among pollinators, so these flowers are excellent for a butterfly or hummingbird garden. Because bees are so important in local environments, its ability to attract bees can help improve your garden's health. Ranunculus Repens Grows Nearly Anywhere Unlike some flowers, they will tolerate many different environments and ecosystems. It tends to prefer moist areas, so you are likelier to find it next to streams and ponds. However, you can find it in many locations because of its adaptability. Often, you will see them in riverbanks, meadows, and woodlands. Once this flower takes hold, it creeps along the ground, making a dense mat of gorgeous green leaves. Famous for its hardiness, this plant is also incredibly low maintenance. This flower is a favorite in garden beds thanks to its ease and adaptability. Ranunculus Repens Comes Back Every Year As a low-growing plant, this plant only grows 8 to 12 inches tall. It is a perennial herbaceous plant, so you don’t have to replant it yearly. Once the deep, lobed leaves develop, you can enjoy lush foliage for many months. Typically, gardeners incorporate this plant into their landscapes because it is good as a groundcover. This perennial can push weeds out because it can quickly fill up an empty space. Unlike more delicate flowers, it also competes well against existing weeds. With Ranunculus Repens, you can quickly transform a landscape design. The cheery flowers form a striking contrast with the plant’s verdant foliage. Thanks to its ground-covering ability, it can quickly take root in your home garden or professional landscape.

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Hairy Buttercup

Hairy Buttercup

Hairy Buttercup is a flowering perennial with bright yellow, buttercup-like flowers and leaves covered in fine, soft hairs. It adds charm to meadows and fields. This charming and versatile plant can bring wild beauty to landscaping projects. This annual or biennial herb is native to Europe and can offer several advantages when strategically incorporated into garden designs. Ranunculus sardous, commonly known as the Hairy Buttercup, is a charming herb that makes a beautiful addition to any yard or landscape. Its dense foliage makes it perfect for revitalizing abandoned spaces and infusing new life into old soil. The Ranunculaceae family of plants hail from the Canary Islands, North Africa, and Europe, but they are widely available and make outstanding contributions to rustic and contemporary landscapes. Hairy Buttercup Brings Peace And Joy Their dainty green leaves have an enchanting, almost mythical quality. They bring a sense of peace and joy wherever they are planted. Because they grow abundantly, this plant can help control weed growth and promote a healthier landscape. The tiny, hairy leaves from this plant's green stems make it a valuable and beautiful addition to home gardens. The bright yellow, five-petaled flowers that blossom during the spring bring a delightful burst of color that can easily complement existing blooms or add visual contrast to an earthy, green space. The plants add a sense of wild beauty and meadow-like charm to a landscape, making them an excellent option for somebody who likes to improve their garden's health while increasing its visual appeal. Hairy Buttercup works Well In Any Landscape. These annual or biennial herbs can work well in various landscapes, and they tend to reward their growers with abundant growth and foliage even with minimal intervention. They tend to thrive fast, creating a lush carpet of flowering blossoms that attract critical pollinators to support flower growth and a healthy ecosystem. Because they can fill a space without being overwhelmed, these wildflowers are excellent choices for those with ample space needing a solid ground cover. At the same time, the delicate appearance of the plants ensures that they do not overwhelm the surrounding landscape. Add Beauty to Your Garden With Hairy Buttercup Plating Hairy Buttercup in your garden allows you to add wonderous, natural beauty, texture, and visual interest with minimal effort. These energetic yet low-growing plants are quick to adapt to their new homes.

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6 Pack -Pennsylvania Sedge Plugs

6 Pack -Pennsylvania Sedge Plugs

Pennsylvania Sedge is a versatile, low-maintenance ground cover that transforms any space into a lush and enchanting haven. With its graceful appearance, adaptability, and numerous ecological benefits, it is an excellent choice for residential and commercial landscaping projects. Pennsylvania Sedge Is a Weeping Beauty It blooms from May to July each year. The blossoms usually feature white, green, or brown flowers. The grass can reach 20 inches tall and has a creeping growth habit with varying textures. Female spikes have lengthy, white, thread-like styles, while male spikes are about an inch long and have creamy-yellow stamens. The leaves stay pale green during spring, turning a golden-tan hue during fall. Use Pennsylvania Sedge For the Health of Your Soil Its horizontally spreading roots extend deep into the earth. This allows the roots to loosen compacted soil, improving its structure by increasing aeration and drainage. On slopes and other regions vulnerable to erosion, these roots also do an excellent job of retaining soil. As the plants mature and die back, the decaying leaves and broken roots provide organic material for the soil. This organic material stimulates microbial activity, increases soil moisture retention, and improves soil fertility. Because of its naturally low growth pattern, it forms thick clusters of leaves. And because these plants are thin and pliable, they spill over the sides of paths and flower beds with elegance. When used along edges and borders, this quality works well to create a weeping or cascading impression. Their evergreen leaves' year-round color and texture add color and vitality to borders and pathways. Their feathery-soft leaves have a thin, delicate texture contrasting with the border's other hardscape features and plants. This characteristic draws the eye and creates a sense of depth in landscaping and garden areas. Eliminate Weeds With Pennsylvania Sedge Shrubby is densely clustered, providing both cover and shade for the ground. This kind of dense growth can reduce the establishment and development of weeds by outcompeting them for nutrients, space, and sunshine. Many people use Pennsylvania Sedge to help with spring weed management and to keep annual weeds to a minimum in the winter.

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Yellow Primrose

Yellow Primrose

Yellow Primroses are evening bloomers, making them an exotic perennial. The plant's lush green leaves accent the deep golden blooms, making it a garden favorite. These plants grow in large clumps and have multiple stems. The cluster is five-petal shaped, with blooms all down the stems. Yellow Primrose Is A Family's Favorite   The blooms resemble rosettes, and the hair leaves are 1-2 inches in diameter. These plants are native to Europe and North America, making them a unique and friendly family favorite for many who want something exotic and unique in the garden. It Is Very Hardy With The Soil And Sun  The Latin name for the Yellow Primrose is Primula Vulgaris. It is a prized perennial for many upscale European flower gardens. The plants can withstand full sun or partial shade and thrive in moist soil types but can grow well in various soils.  It Blooms in Two Seasons It blooms in the Summer and early Fall seasons, making it a long-blooming perennial favorite. The blooms sporadically bloom long into the Fall, even in cooler weather, especially in Tennessee. A Showy pink version also accents the golden well when plants are together. The most used areas for these beautiful Yellow Primrose are flower beds for borders or long rows to accent a veggie garden and offer blooms with other growing plants. People especially love these plants because they thrive near limestone, like rose bushes. They thrive almost anywhere near the rocks they are planted. The Yellow Primrose - also known as the Long-Tube Evening type, is a perennial plant that yields brilliant golden flowers and is excellent for bordering a flower bed. If you are looking at some gilded colors for your garden, read on as we tell you everything you need to know about them. Aesthetics of the Yellow Primrose The rugged stoutness of the plant belies the delicate flower that it yields. The plant stays close to the ground and can only grow about 18 inches from the soil. The stem produces green, hairy leaves that have jagged fringes. These leaves can grow about 6 inches long and about an inch in diameter.  A beautiful, elegant yellow flower with four cupped petals is atop the narrow stems. You would never think such a precious flower could grow from such a rugged plant, but this only adds to its mysterious appeal.  As a result, they have become a popular choice for people who want to maintain color in their gardens all day and night. They pair well with other flowering plants like the Showy Pink and can be a contrast point. The plant's petals have veins that branch out from the central hub and stretch to the extremities. The vein pattern provides an interesting counterpoint to the otherwise frilly texture and appearance of the flower.  They produce large flowers growing up to about 5 inches in diameter. They also produce a slight fragrance and wild stamens of particular interest to native bees. So, if you want to plant flowers that will make your garden hum with wildlife, this is an excellent option. This tow-headed plant is an excellent choice for floral arrangements as well. It proliferates in clumps, so it can be added to bouquets to set the canvas for more showy or sophisticated flowers. It stays low to the ground and can spread quickly, so it works well as a garden edger or accent piece in your vegetable garden.  In any capacity, this provides a stunning splash of golden color that resembles the sun's rays. Whether as a focal point or a complement to other plants, they add a unique and exotic flair to any landscape they adorn.  Are There Any Benefits to Planting Them?  There is more to them than just a pretty face. Take a look at some of the reasons you love cultivating this plant:  It Survives in Rocky Soil. One of the reasons it is so popular is that it is a stout plant. The roots can take hold in rocky soil, so even if your soil is limestone-rich, you can still add some rich color to it with them.  Blooms Twice A Year-They bloom twice a year in the summer and again in the fall.  They grow in clusters and are an excellent choice for quick and easy ground coverage. They grow in clusters that can spread to about two feet. The deep green and golden colors they produce are excellent for livening up drab areas of your garden.  Herbaceous: An herbaceous plant does not produce thorny, wooden stems, making it low-risk and easily removed if you need to reappropriate its planting space.  Easy to Once the root system has been established, it does not require a lot of attention. It requires only a medium amount of water and can grow in damp or dry soil. It grows near the ground and will not need any supportive staking.  Frequently Asked  Now let's take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about the plant:  Q: How Do You Care for Them?  A: They like full sun. The soil you plant them in can be rocky or even dry, so just make sure it is well-drained.  Q: When do They Bloom?  A: Their blooming seasons are summer and autumn. They bloom twice a year, which makes them a good choice for anyone who wants floral color in their garden most of the year.  Q: Do They Spread? A: They will self-seed if allowed to. They tend to grow in clumps that are about 2 feet wide. If you want them to be safe from spreading and colonizing other areas of your garden, be sure to deadhead them before they can produce seeds.  Q: Are They Easy to Grow?  A: Yes. They don't require a lot of water, and the root system can establish itself even if the soil is dry or rocky. People who have never grown flowers rarely have trouble seeing them through to bloom.  Start Growing Yellow Primrose  They represent an easy way to add a sunny, lemony color to your outdoor spaces. At TN Nursery, we can send a healthy Yellow Primrose plant right to your door, and you can plant it on the same day. Place an order and start enjoying more floral life in your garden.

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Seasonal Monthly Plant Box - Get 3

Seasonal Monthly Plant Box - Get 3 "In Season Plants" Each Month

TN Nursery offers a subscription service where we ship 3 different plants each month- Our # 1 Seller Examples Of Some Plants Are: This plant ships bare-root and dormant (no leaves or foliage) It will not green out until next spring. Nov-April: These months are our "tree shipping season" You will get some of the following (no picks but we always ship best sellers) Trees Shrubs Evergreens Berry Bushes and Fruit Trees Moss   May- September: These months are when we ship the following. You will get some of the following in your subscription plant box: Blooming Age PerennialsMature Native Fern PlantsLive Garden Mosses   Beautiful Vines, Groundcovers, and Climber Vines Plant subscriptions can be an excellent way to regularly bring new and exciting plants into your home or garden. You can diversify your collection by receiving various plants each month and learning about new species you may have yet to encounter.Additionally, plant subscriptions can be a great way to have a beautiful yard with high-quality plants from a leading source, TN Nursery. By subscribing to their service, you are receiving quality plants and supporting their business and the horticulture industry as a whole.Overall, a plant subscription service can be a fun and rewarding way to have a variety of plants in every season.         

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 TN Nursery, founded in 1959, prides itself on its excellent sun perennial selection, including plenty of bright-loving flower varieties that will offer you lots of color and choices. We'll ship your flowers fast so you can get gardening!

Sun Perennials

It’s so much fun heading to your local nursery to select different plants and flowers, but strategically choosing the ones that do well in full sun can be difficult if you’re not a seasoned gardener. 


Your garden shines bright when it has a variety of colorful plants, both visually and in terms of its impact. Nevertheless, acquiring such a space is only possible if you strategically plant the right species, and perennials that bloom all summer are perfect for this.


Unlike annual plants, sun perennial roots stay alive even in fall and winter, returning year after year to beautify your garden. These resilient plants can even survive in a sunny place in your yard, so they’re a great addition to your lovely flower display. 


At TN Nursery, we have a vast collection of perennial flowers for your selection, among them perennial flowers for full sun and part sun perennials, available for you to choose from.

Why Choose Sun Perennials?

Here are a few compelling reasons to choose perennials that bloom all summer over your annual plants:


  • Once established, sun perennials are resilient and require minimal care. 
  • These flowers come in different hues and exposures, offering many options. 
  • Perennials attract bees, butterflies, monarchs, and other pollinators and provide them with food and shelter all year round. 

Top Picks for Your Garden

TN Nursery stocks a range of part sun perennials and perennial flowers for total sun exposure, offering many options to gardening enthusiasts. Among the most loved ones is Coneflower (Echinacea), known for its unique daisy-like purple blooms. In addition to adding vibrancy to the space, these flowers attract pollinators and support the local ecosystem. 


Next in line is the stunning Daylily, a versatile flowering plant whose bright orange flowers make it a perfect addition to various garden designs. Additionally, we have Goat’s Beard Plant, Blazing Star, and Hasta that thrive even in the brightest parts of your garden. Explore our entire collection to pick your flowers strategically.