What Moss Is, and Landscaping With It

Looking for Ways to Improve Your Garden?

If you are searching for ways to improve the look of your garden without adding plants that require a lot of attention, adding mosses to your garden may be the solution. Moss does not have roots, seeds, or flowers, they only need one cell of leaves to grow, and they reproduce by dispersing spores through water or wind. Most moss species tend to grow to a height of about two inches. They do not need pesticides, fertilizers, or herbicides to thrive, so they are an environmentally friendly option for almost any garden. Although some people think of mosses as weeds or a plant used only for decorative purposes, the fact is, there are many benefits to using mosses in your landscaping projects.

How to Create a Moss Garden : 5 Steps - Instructables

Helps Retain Water

Although mosses need water to survive, they don’t require weekly watering from the garden hose. In most situations, all that’s required is a light misting. Moss is straightforward to grow and can go an extremely long time without water. But, one of the best benefits of moss in the garden is that it retains water and provides a moist area for the other plants growing around it. Once moss has been planted in your garden, it will continue to grow, even in areas with a water shortage. Most moss species also adapt well to acidic conditions and can tolerate various pH levels. Most plants grow the best in shady gardens; however, they will not die if they are exposed to sunny conditions.

Preserves and Helps the Environment

Not only are gardens meant to add color and attractiveness to the landscaping, but they should also benefit the environment. Many of the chemicals used to enhance the growth of garden plants will eventually find their way into the ground and end up in water sources, which may harm the environment and people if contaminated water is used. Along with conserving water, moss doesn’t need chemicals and fertilizers to thrive, so with the addition of moss to the garden, you will be reducing the need to pollute the ground with fertilizers, chemicals, and pesticides. Another benefit for the environment is that moss doesn’t need to be mowed; it helps prevent grass growth, so you’ll reduce the number of emissions put out by the lawnmower.

Prevents Soil Erosion

If you have noticed flowers and plants struggling to survive in your garden, it may not be due to not having a green thumb; it may result from mineral toxins in the ground. In some areas, garden plants struggle to grow even with nutrients, fertilizers, and fresh soil because of the toxins in the existing soil. Mosses help to clear the area of these toxins. Although most all mosses will do their part in clearing the mineral toxins from the ground, certain mosses work harder at clearing these toxins, such as lawn mosssheet moss, cushion moss, and carpet moss. These species are especially beneficial in areas with salty soil, which is often a result of the salt used on roadways in snowy, icy winters. The salt seeps into the ground, contaminating the soil and making the soil dangerous for plants. Planting moss in the garden will help eliminate the salt and other toxins, allowing your garden to thrive with minimal effort.

There are many species of mosses to choose from, and most are inexpensive. You don’t need to invest in any particular pesticides, fertilizers, or nitrogen-enriched soil to cultivate moss in the garden. It is inexpensive, convenient, and aesthetically pleasing to the garden and the environment.

Types Of Mosses That Are Hardy

Carpet Moss

Cushion Moss

Fern Moss

Rock Cap Moss

Lawn Moss - TN Nursery

Lawn Moss

Sheet Moss - TN Nursery

Sheet Moss

Cushion Moss - TN Nursery

Cushion Moss

Carpet Moss - TN Nursery

Carpet Moss

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