Unleashing the Vibrant Beauty of Orange Day Lilies: All You Need to Know - TN Nursery

Unleashing the Vibrant Beauty of Orange Daylilies

The common orange day lily is a stunning addition to anyone's backyard

This plant is one of the tallest summer-blooming, perennial plants you can grow. This prolific landscape plant will surely turn heads, featuring lovely orange flowers that bloom from June to September since it can reach up to eight feet!


The flowers of the Orange Daylily are large and can vary in color depending on the plant species. Each flower has 6-10 petals that come together at the base of each flower, forming a tube shape. Depending on how it was planted or cared for by its owner, there may be more than one flower on each stalk.

The Orange Daylily has long green stems with leaves that spread out from the base of each stalk-like spokes on a wheel or wheel spokes. When these leaves are young, they are covered with soft hairs, but as they mature, they become smooth like velvet or suede material, making them very easy to touch, especially when wet from rain or dew drops.

Growing From Seed

First, you need to find the seeds for your orange daylily. You can buy them online or at any garden center, but if you want to save money, you should try growing them from seed instead. This will allow you to save some money because growing from seed is cheaper than buying plants from a nursery or garden center.

Step 1: Soak the seeds in water for 24 hours.

Step 2: Place them in a wet paper towel and keep them in a warm environment for another 24 hours.

Step 3: Plant the seeds in a pot filled with soil and water. You can also use an indoor light or put it under the sun to germinate.

Step 4: Once they have sprouted, transplant them into bigger pots or outdoor garden beds.

Hardiness Zones

Orange day lilies are native to Asia and North America. They are hardy perennials that grow best in plant hardiness Zones 4 through 9.

Potting Requirements

Orange daylily requires well-drained soil with a pH between 5.5 and 7.0 for optimal growth. It also prefers moist soil, but don't overwater this plant, as excess water can cause root rot or fungal problems. The best way to ensure your plant receives the right amount of moisture is by using a soil moisture meter or sticking your finger into the soil until its first knuckle; if it feels damp, you know it's time to water again.


Re-pot orange day lily only when its roots have filled up its current pot's drainage holes or when it becomes too heavy for you to lift comfortably. When re-potting orange daylilies, use quality potting soil mixed with peat moss or sand instead of regular garden soil. These amendments help maintain good drainage while providing nutrients for healthy growth.

Light Requirements

Orange day lilies are not fussy about light levels and will grow in full sun or partial shade. They need at least six hours of sunlight each day.

The more sunlight your plants receive, the darker their leaves will be. Yellow leaves indicate that the plant is getting too much light. If your plant has yellowing leaves, move it to a shadier location until they return to normal.

If you have an indoor plant and it does not have enough light, its leaves may turn pale green or white. Orange daylilies do not like being moved from one location to another because they do not adjust well to changes in their environment. This may also cause yellowing leaves on your plant if it does not receive proper care after moving it indoors.

Water Requirements

The orange day lily should be watered regularly during the growing season to keep its roots moist. The soil should never become soggy but shouldn't be allowed to dry out completely. If you're using a drip irrigation system, set up your sprinklers to water for about 15 minutes twice weekly during the summer and once weekly during winter. If you're watering by hand, give each plant 1 inch per week from spring through fall and half an inch per week from fall through spring.

Soil Requirements

Orange day lily grows best in well-draining soil rich in humus and organic matter. The plant prefers sandy loam soils but will tolerate clay soils, too. A pH range of 5.8 to 7 is preferred for orange day lily.

Amend the soil with compost before planting the orange day lily to provide ample nutrients for plant growth. Compost also helps loosen clay soils, so water drains more readily during drought conditions or heavy rainfalls.


The Orange Day Lily needs fertilizer that is high in nitrogen and potassium. The best time to fertilize is when it has just finished blooming and before it starts to grow new leaves. Use an all-purpose fertilizer that is labeled "For Flowers." It is important not to over-fertilize as this can burn your plant.

If you have poor soil, consider adding some composted manure or organic matter, such as peat moss, before planting your Orange Day Lily bulbs for the best results. The soil should be loose but well drained and not too rich or fertile, as this will cause root rot in your plant, killing it quickly.

Pests and Disease Problems

Aphids, mealybugs, thrips and spider mites are common pests of the orange day lily. These insects feed on the leaves and stems of the plant, causing them to become distorted or curled. Aphids reproduce very quickly, so controlling them as soon as possible is important.

The orange day lily is susceptible to fungal diseases like botrytis blight and powdery mildew. Botrytis blight causes brown spots on the leaves, while powdery mildew causes white spots.

Fungal infections can also cause wilting leaves, leading to other plant problems, like reduced photosynthesis and root water loss. To prevent fungal infections, ensure you don't overwater your plants or leave their soil too wet for too long — especially during hot and humid weather conditions.

Companion Plants

Companion plants are plants that have a symbiotic relationship with other plants. They can help improve the soil and moisture content and provide protection from pests and diseases. Companion plants for the Orange Day Lily include:

African Blue Basil (Ocimum basilicum) - The flowers attract pollinators, while the leaves repel pests like mosquitoes.

Alyssum (Lobularia maritima) - This plant attracts beneficial insects, which will help control pests in your garden.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum) - The flowers attract pollinators, while the leaves repel pests like mosquitoes.


If you want to mulch your orange day lily, it's important to do so properly. Mulching is a great way to improve the soil and keep weeds at bay. But it can also be harmful if done incorrectly.

The best time to mulch orange daylilies is in the fall or winter months after the plant has gone dormant. This will help prevent newly emerging roots from contacting the mulch.

If you must mulch in the spring, ensure you don't cover more than two-thirds of the surface of the plant. The rest of the stem should be exposed to sunlight to photosynthesize and produce energy for next year's growth cycle.

Growing the orange day lily is extremely easy. Following the right watering and fertilizing routine, your orange day lily will grow as a strong, healthy plant. You can use the orange daylily as a centerpiece, in a bed of mixed flowers, or even as a thick border around a field to give it more color. The possibilities are endless with this orange flower, and why not experience them for yourself?

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