Fern Plants in Landscaping | TN
Fern Plants In Landscaping
Ferns contribute to the atmosphere of your garden in multiple ways. Ferns have existed for centuries and have continued to evolve and adapt with time. They are easy to grow and can be used as background plantations, groupings, specimen plants, and groundcovers. In any shaded garden or yard, they perform the role of an anchor, adding structure and foliage that remains unchanged throughout the season.
The famous Christmas fern remains green through the winter season. It is so named because its fronds served as a Christmas decoration in earlier days. This fern is identified easily due to the familiar shape of the fronds. The leaf stalk is stout, with shallow grooves and deep light brown scales. The leaflets are shiny, deep green.
Quality Fern Plants Offered at Tn Nursery
Among hundreds of varieties, there are a few ferns that can tolerate sunny conditions, while most prefer shaded locations.
Most varieties need sufficient moisture and rich soil conditions, so if there is a sunny area in the yard, it should be watered adequately. If the soil condition is sandy, it may be necessary to work in plenty of peat moss and compost. A little sand and lots of compost may be necessary for clay soil. Some fern varieties grow well in acidic soil, for which the soil's pH level should be tested and adapted accordingly before the plantation.
One of the more common ferns is the New York fern, which grows in expansive colonies that cover the floor of a forest. The frond in this variety tapers towards the bottom, and its lower leaflets are tiny in size. That is an excellent way to identify this fern. They should not be confused with the Hay Scented fern that resembles the New York fern. It is not only delicate but also shares its tendency to cover the floor of the forests. However, the distinctive feature of Hay Scented fern is the shape of its fronds. They have a triangular shape with a broad base and tapering towards the top. The stipe of this fern is slightly hairy or smooth, light green at the top and scaly brown towards the base. This fern usually grows in random patterns.
One of the easiest ways to procure these ferns for your landscapes is to get in touch with online plant nurseries. Some of the reputed nurseries can offer the finest varieties of ferns that will add to the personality of your landscape. They can be used not only as a background for your garden but also conveniently inter-planted with most varieties of perennials. Some varieties are even ideal when they are placed in containers during the growing season. You can specify your requirements to the online plant nurseries, and chances are that they will be able to offer you some great choices.
Source to Buy a Variety of Beautiful Fern Plants