The Enchanting Ox Eye Daisy

The Ox-Eye Daisy is a wildflower found throughout the country. Its common name comes from its long eyelashes, which look like an ox's eyes. Ox-eye daisies attract birds partly because they have several nectar-producing glands around their flowers. The nectar attracts insects that pollinate the flower and keep the plant healthy.

Ox Eye Daisy

Related species

The Ox Eye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) is a member of the family Asteraceae. It's related to the daisy family, with which it shares some of its characteristics, such as yellow ray florets and seed heads. But there are a few more differences between these two plants. For example, Ox Eye daisies have petals tinged with red on their outer surfaces, whereas daisies don't have petals like that. And Ox Eye daisies also grow in clusters of several flowers instead of just one flower per plant.

Growing From Seed

You can sow the seeds directly into the soil or transplant them into small pots filled with potting soil. Plant each seed about 1/2 inch deep and keep the soil moist. After germination, they should be left alone until they reach 2 inches tall, then thin out the plants so that each plant has enough space to grow without crowding too much by themselves. If you want more than one plant for your garden, you need to divide them into multiple containers at least three weeks before you want them to bloom their first time, giving each one plenty of room.

Hardiness Zones

Ox Eye Daisy plants are native to Europe and Asia but have been introduced to other parts of the world. They can be found in temperate regions of the United States, where they grow best in zones 5 through 9.

Maturity Size

It grows from red flowers that bloom from June through September. The flower has six petals in yellow, white, pink, or orange shades. Once it has reached its full maturity, it will be about four inches tall and three inches wide.


Potting the plant is simple and can be done with an ordinary bag or potting mix. The first step is filling the pot with potting soil until it's about two inches from the top of its rim. Then add some sand or perlite on top of that soil until it comes up about an inch over the rim of your container. The next step is adding some fertilizer pellets if needed since they're usually sold with plants like this one. Finally, put a few drops of water into each corner of your container, so it drains out quickly when watered again later.

Light Requirements

Ox Eye Daisy needs full sun to thrive, so if you want to grow this plant outdoors, you should ensure that your property gets at least six hours of sunlight daily. This plant will also do well in part shade. If you come from an area with little direct sunlight, consider planting this flower in a container on your patio or deck to get extra light during the day.

Water Requirements

Ox Eye Daisy is a water-loving plant but not as much a water miser as many other succulents. You can give it a lot of water, and it will still survive. Ox Eye Daisy leaves are relatively small and thin, and water passes through them quickly. The roots of this plant have special permeable cells that allow water to pass through rapidly into the soil. If you use a container, ensure it has drainage holes in the bottom. If you want to grow Ox Eye Daisy in a pot, use one at least 5 inches deep and 2 inches wide (at its widest point).

Soil Requirements

The ox-eye will tolerate dry soils with poor drainage if they are not too rocky or rocky. They do not tolerate wet soils, so they do not plant them in areas with constant watering. The plant grows best in sandy loams with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5, but it can also grow in loams with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5, clay loams with a pH of around five, and light sandy loams with a pH range of 6 to 7.


The Ox Eye daisy prefers rich, well-drained soil. Fertilize every spring with compost or manure to improve the soil's texture and nutrient content. Add 10-15 pounds of nitrogen per 1000 square feet of garden area each spring before planting. If you use compost, amend it with an equal amount of aged manure from ruminants or add 1 pound of blood meal (0.5 percent) per 100 pounds of compost.

Pests and Disease Problems

The most common pests of the Ox-Eye Daisy are aphids and scales. Aphids are insects that feed on the plant's sap, causing deformed leaves and buds. Scales are tiny insects that suck sap from the plant stem and leaves, leaving silvery gray spots. In addition to attacking the flowers, aphids can also transmit viruses to other plants in your garden.

Ox Eye daisies are susceptible to fungal diseases such as powdery mildew and rust, which cause yellow or orange spots on leaves. The best way to prevent fungal problems is to keep your soil moist, not soggy, and ensure the soil drains well after a rainstorm. If you notice any signs of disease in your garden, contact your county extension office for advice on treating it effectively.

Companion Plants

Companion plants are plants that will grow together and help each other. For example, peas and corn will yield better if planted together. Companion plants for your Ox Eye daisy include:

Anise or Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) – Anise is a good companion plant for the Ox Eye daisy because it helps deter pests and attracts bees. It also works well with tomatoes, peppers, and strawberries.

Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus) – Nasturtiums will attract beneficial insects to help keep your garden pest-free. They also repel aphids and other pests.

Where Is It Found

This wildflower can be found in great abundance in the United States and Canada. It is a native of Europe and Asia and has been introduced to many other parts of the world. In the United States, it is found in many parts of the country but is most common in the eastern half. In some areas, you may find it growing alongside roadsides or fields.


This helps keep the soil moist, which can help prevent pests from damaging your plants. Mulch also provides extra nutrients for your plants, which will help them thrive. The best mulch for Ox Eye Daisies is shredded leaves because they add organic matter to the soil and help prevent weeds from growing around your plants.

The ox-eye daisy is an attractively robust wildflower that thrives in sunny meadows and open woodlands across the continent. It is both a useful and a beautiful plant, so it's little wonder that it has existed on the planet for so long. As this resilient wildflower continues to thrive, there's no doubt it will continue to work its way even further into the hearts of admirers everywhere.

Oxeye Daisy - TN Nursery

Oxeye Daisy

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