Blue Perennial Flowers

Blue Perennial Flowers create a soothing and calming visual effect, making them a favorite among gardeners.

Blue Perennial Flowers

Blue flowers complement a wide range of other flower colors and can be used in various garden design themes.

Blue Perennial Flowers

Blue perennial flowers add a pop of vibrant color to gardens and landscapes.

Blue perennial flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, helping to support local ecosystems.

Blue perennials often have a long flowering season, providing extended beauty in your garden.

Blue perennials often have a long flowering season, providing extended beauty in your garden.

Blue Perennial Flowers

Blue Perennial Flowers

Blue is often associated with calmness, serenity, and peace, making blue flowers a symbolic choice for gardens and events.

More Blue Perennial Flowers

Our Famous Reviews

Sigird Grey - The Battery Conservancy

We love Tennessee Wholesale Nursery. Everything we have received in the past is alive and doing well in Battery's 5-acres of perennial gardens.

Mandy Stark - The Discovery Channel

Filming for Discovery always means going that extra mile - Tammy immediately identified trees perfect for our needs and shipped and got them to the set on time, arriving in excellent condition; they were ready for us to begin filming!

The History Channel- Troy Landry

My wife and I always buy our plants from TN Nursery! Choot-Um

Blue Perennial Flowers

Blue perennial flowers bring a serene and elegant charm to any garden landscape. Their enduring beauty, combined with their ability to return year after year, makes them dearest among gardeners seeking to add a touch of tranquility and color to their outdoor spaces. Whether used as focal points, border accents, or mass plantings, these flowers contribute to a sense of cohesion and harmony in the garden.

Forget-me-not - Blue Perennial Flowers

One of the most beloved blue perennial flowers is the forget-me-not (Myosotis). These delicate blooms feature tiny, five-petaled flowers that form clusters atop slender stems. Forget-me-nots are known for their true blue hue, which symbolizes fidelity and remembrance. They thrive in moist, shady areas, making them an ideal option for woodland gardens or on the edges of ponds and streams. These charming flowers often self-seed, creating blankets of blue that return year after year.

Cornflower - Blue Perennial Flowers

Another popular blue perennial is the perennial cornflower (Centaurea montana). This plant adds color to garden borders and rock gardens with its vivid, cornflower-blue petals and contrasting yellow centers. Perennial cornflowers are easy to grow and require little maintenance, making them a favorite among busy gardeners. They attract butterflies and other pollinators, further enhancing the garden ecosystem.

Lavender - Blue Perennial Flowers

Lavender (Lavandula) is another classic blue perennial prized for its fragrant blooms and aromatic foliage. This versatile plant is not only valued for its beauty but also for its many practical uses. Lavender flowers can be harvested and dried in sachets, potpourri, and herbal remedies. Additionally, the scent of lavender is known to have calming properties, making it a popular choice for aromatherapy and relaxation gardens. In the garden, lavender thrives in sunny, well-drained locations and is drought-tolerant once established.

Siberian Iris - Blue Perennial Flowers

Siberian iris (Iris sibirica) is a stunning blue perennial that adds elegance and grace to the garden with its delicate, iris-shaped blooms. These flowers feature intricate patterns and veining in blue and purple hues, creating a captivating display. Siberian irises prefer moist, acidic soil and full sun to partial shade, making them ideal for planting near ponds or perennial borders. Their slender, upright foliage provides vertical interest even when the flowers are not blooming.

May Night - Blue Perennial Flowers

Blue perennial flowers can also include varieties of salvias, such as Salvia nemorosa 'May Night' or Salvia azurea, which boast striking blue spikes of flowers that attract bees and butterflies. Delphiniums, with their towering spikes of blue blossoms, are another stunning addition to any garden. These flowers are often used as focal points or as part of a cottage garden aesthetic.

In conclusion, blue perennial flowers offer a wealth of beauty, versatility, and practicality to the garden landscape. Whether used as accents, borders, or focal points, their enduring charm and striking color make them a beloved choice among gardeners of all skill levels.