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Shrubs offer beauty, utility, and durability, making them an excellent choice for the foundation of your landscaping scheme. Our low-maintenance plants can last for years or even decades. Trimming allows you to shape them with former borders or landscaping accents. Most can adapt and thrive in varying growing conditions.

Shrubs are Known as The Backbone In Gardening

Since they will last for many years, consider which types you want to use for landscaping. Forsythias, for example, can grow to 10 feet tall and 12 feet horizontally when they reach full maturity. Myrtles are more like trees and offer an explosion of flowering color during the summer months. Boxwoods are evergreens that are easy to shape for borders and accents. Some flowers are used for a short season, while others bloom for extended periods. All these factors should be considered when selecting landscaping or accent shrubs.

Privacy Hedges With Shrubs

For many homeowners, an evergreen privacy hedge is preferable to a privacy fence. Intertwining plants can be grown to create a boundary line that offers both beauty and privacy. Privet plants can grow very tall (up to 15 feet) but can be trimmed to create the desired boundary. Spirea plants are another good choice that can be woven together, and they can make a magnet for butterflies during their flowering season. Maple leaf viburnums are shorter (up to 6 feet) but can be intertwined to craft thick hedgerows.

Colorful Shrubs

Certain flowering plants can add a splash of color to landscaping areas that need it. Outbuildings, low walls, and house corners can benefit from the strategic placement of flowering shrubbery. Some colorful options that we offer for this include witch hazel trees, crêpe myrtle plants, golden bell forsythia, burning bush, wisteria, and pink weigela bushes. These grow to varying heights and bloom at different times of the spring through fall period, so you can plan accordingly.

Some Shrubs work great for adding texture and depth to low fences or hardscape elements. Low shrubbery can create more depth by placing it in the foreground or meshing it with a fence for contrast. Some hibiscus plants are top choices for accent pieces. Arrowwood viburnum is a good choice for comparison with rock gardens, walkways, or paving stones. Viburnum has the added benefit of attracting butterflies and pollinators in the summer, while its berries provide food for birds in the winter.