Shade Perennials


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Shade perennials are the perfect plants for gardeners who don't want to reinvent the wheel yearly. On the other hand, annual plants will last for one growing season before dying off. They can last for three years or longer.

 If you want to avoid replanting your flower garden every year, a selection of beautiful flowers from TN Nursery is the way to go. The fact that they'll come back several years in a row can also add some consistency to your landscaping over time with minimal effort. Plant them once and enjoy them for several years!

Shade Perennials

Who says you can’t grow vibrant and delightful flowers in your shady garden? Shaded gardens are often perceived as a calm, relaxed, and peaceful atmosphere. But, your shady garden doesn’t have to be dull – anything but! 

TN Nursery offers a diverse range of stunning perennial plants for shade areas that can turn your tiring gardening job into a fruitful experience. These shade flowers often feature green foliage with vibrant hues that create a striking look within your shaded garden. 

Whether you’re a pro gardener or have found a new passion in planting flowers, the type of plants you choose for the shaded areas can make all the difference. Shade plants have become popular among gardeners of all skill levels to create a lush garden sanctuary. These resilient plants are an intelligent investment for gardens as they rebloom year after year.

Understanding the Different Types of Shades

When it comes to choosing the right shade plants, knowing what kind of shade you have in your garden is essential. For instance, if you have dappled shade in your garden, you need to choose flowers that can tolerate some direct sunlight. For this type of shade, you will go for Hosta, Primrose, Lily of the Valley, etc. 

Solomon's Sea Plant and Toad Lily are the best options When choosing plants for a partial shade (half sun, half shade) garden. These flowers work best for a landscape with 3-6 hours of indirect sunlight. 

Finally, for fully shaded gardens that receive no direct light, Hosta and Virginia Blue Bells are ideal choices. From our collection, you can choose the right perennials according to your garden shade. All these plants require little maintenance and are eco-friendly, making them the best choice for a serene garden oasis. 

Other Popular Types of Perennials at TN Nursery


Sun Perennials

Deer Resistant Perennials