Deer Resistant Shrubs


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Deer Resistant Shrubs are the solution for areas where stags are a problem. You'll have healthier plants and intact landscaping for a reliably beautiful yard. T.N. Nursery hand-selects our collection of bushes and plants, affording you options that are as appealing as they are effective.

Characteristics Of Deer Resistant Shrubs

To you, a bush designed to keep stags away might not look that different from any other. What traits do they possess that keep stags at bay?

  • Physical barrier: Deer resistant shrubs grow tall enough that stags can't cross the threshold even if they want to, especially if you select a barrier of bushes around your garden.
  • Foliage: Exterior thorns on bushes make trespassing a prickly experience for stags. They'll learn to stay away, keeping your yard more harmonious.
  • Unpleasant tastes: stags typically invade your garden to feast on the plants and flowers. Deer Resistant shrubs taste bad, giving stags incentive to find their next meal elsewhere.
  • Overpowering aromas: What might smell pleasant to us can be too strong for a stag, allowing bushes to ward off the garden invaders naturally.

Benefits of Deer Resistant Shrubs

Bushes from the butterfly bush to forsythia, pink spirea, and black haw viburnum are helpful for more than keeping stags away. They also possess these benefits:

  • Easy to care for: Generally low-maintenance and capable of handling many conditions, you can keep your garden safe even if you forget to water the bushes for a few days or go a little too long without pruning.
  • Invites more wildlife: Your days with fewer stags won't mean no living creatures are around. From insects to wildlife like birds, you can experience more extraordinary biodiversity and a more appealing backyard.
  • Stops erosion: Strategically planted bushes can control heavy soil erosion rates due to a bush's mass root system. The soil around the bushes is stable, keeping it from shifting.

Deer Resistant Shrubs Are Available At TN Nursery

At TN Nursery, we pride ourselves on providing a variety of Deer Resistant Shrubs. Many produce gorgeous flowers, so maintaining your plants will be a treat for the senses and keep stags away. The bushes bloom throughout the year, so your garden is never defenseless.

Serving customers since 1959, the family-owned T.N. Nursery makes shopping for bushes affordable. We regularly slash prices, offering discounts for buying one bush and getting another free. You can quickly create a solid plant perimeter to keep stags out.