What Are New York Ferns And How To Grow Them

Are you a nature enthusiast looking for a new plant to add to your collection?

If so, consider the beautiful and diverse world of New York ferns.

New York ferns are a group of species native to the eastern United States, particularly in the northeastern region. These plants are known for their unique fronds that can reach heights of up to three feet tall and have a bright green color. They thrive in shady, moist environments like woodlands, forests, and swamps.


One of the most popular New York fern species is the Thelypteris noveboracensis, also known as the New York fern or the Eastern marsh fern. This fern is easily identified with its lance-shaped fronds and clustered spores on the underside. Another common species is the Polystichum acrostichoides, or the Christmas fern, which gets its name from the evergreen fronds that resemble Christmas decorations.

Growing New York fernscan be a rewarding experience, as these plants are relatively easy to care for and can add a beautiful touch to any garden or indoor space. When growing New York ferns, it is essential to provide them with the right environment, such as a moist and shaded environment and well-draining soil. These plants can also benefit from occasional fertilization and pruning to maintain their shape and health.

No matter your gardening experience level, New York ferns are an excellent choice for those looking to add a bit of greenery to their homes. With their unique appearance and easy-to-grow nature, these plants will be a welcome addition to any collection. So why not give them a try?

Background Information on New York Ferns

New York Ferns belongs to the family Thelypteridaceae and is classified under the division Pteridophyta. It has a delicate appearance with long, narrow, light green fronds growing up to 3 feet tall. These fronds have a graceful arching habit, making them a popular landscaping choice.


New York Fern is naturally found in shaded areas such as woodlands, ravines, and wetlands. Its natural range includes the eastern part of North America, from Canada to the eastern United States. The fern can thrive in various soil types, including loamy, sandy, or clay soils, making it adaptable to different growing conditions.

How to Grow New York Ferns

New York Ferns might be the perfect addition for you. Also known as the New York Fern, this native plant species is easy to grow and maintain. 

Choosing the right location for growing New york Ferns

The first step to successfully growing Parathelypteris noveboracensis ( New York Ferns) is to choose the correct location. These ferns prefer a shaded area that receives indirect sunlight or partial shade. While they can tolerate some direct sunlight, too much can cause leaf scorching and damage. Therefore, a location under a tree canopy or shaded area is ideal for growing New York Ferns.

Soil Requirements For Growing New York Ferns

New York Ferns thrive in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. The soil should be moist but not waterlogged, which can lead to root rot. Before planting, it's important to amend the soil with compost or other organic matter to provide the necessary nutrients for the ferns to grow.


Propagation Methods for Growing New York Ferns

New York Ferns can be propagated through spores or division. Spore propagation requires more time and patience, as the spores can take up to two years to develop into mature plants. The division is a quicker method involving separating the rhizomes and planting them in separate locations. Division should be done in the early spring or fall when the ferns are dormant.

Watering and Fertilization Requirements For New York Ferns

Proper watering and fertilization are essential for Parathelypteris noveboracensis to grow healthy and strong. The ferns require consistent moisture, but they prefer to avoid being waterlogged. During the growing season, it's best to water them once or twice a week, depending on the weather conditions. Avoiding overhead watering is essential, as this can promote fungal growth.

When it comes to fertilization, New York Ferns doesn't require a lot of fertilizer. A slow-release, balanced fertilizer can be applied in the early spring and again in mid-summer if needed. Ensure that you follow the recommended dosage specified by the manufacturer.

Pruning Your New York Ferns

New York Ferns only require a little pruning, but you can remove dead or yellowed fronds to improve the plant's appearance. Prune your ferns in the spring before new growth appears.


Pests And Diseases That Affect New York Ferns

While New York Fern is generally a hardy and disease-resistant plant, it can be susceptible to a few pests and diseases. Some common problems affecting these ferns include spider mites, scale insects, and slugs. These pests can be controlled through natural methods like handpicking, insecticidal soap, or introducing natural predators.

As for diseases, New York Ferns can be affected by fungal infections like rust or leaf spots. Avoiding overhead watering and providing proper air circulation around the plants is essential to prevent these diseases. If the disease does occur, it can be treated with a fungicide.

Benefits of Growing New York Ferns

This native North American fern boasts a variety of uses, from its low maintenance needs to its air-purifying properties. Let's explore what makes it beneficial to consider adding New York Ferns to your plant collection.


Low Maintenance

One of the most significant benefits of growing New York Ferns is its low maintenance needs. This fern thrives in moist, well-draining soil and partial shade to full shade, making it perfect for those hard-to-fill corners of your garden.

It also requires little to no pruning, making it an excellent choice for those with little time to devote to gardening. With minimal care, your Parathelypteris noveboracensis will continue to thrive and provide beauty for years.

Air Purifying

In addition to its beauty, New York Ferns also has air-purifying properties. Like other ferns, it removes harmful pollutants from the air, improving the overall air quality in your home or office.

This makes it an ideal plant for those with allergies or respiratory issues. Its lush foliage brings a touch of greenery to any space, making it both functional and beautiful.


Parathelypteris noveboracensis is also a versatile plant that can be grown indoors and outdoors. It can thrive in various conditions, making it an excellent option for people living in different climates or wanting to add greenery to their homes or office.

It can be grown in pots or as part of a more extensive garden and pairs well with other plants. Whether you're looking for a stand-alone statement piece or a complementary addition to your existing garden, Parathelypteris noveboracensis is an excellent choice.



Another benefit of Parathelypteris noveboracensis is its long-lasting nature. This fern can live for several years with proper care, providing beauty and air-purifying benefits for years.

Unlike some other plants that may require frequent replacement, Parathelypteris noveboracensis is a significant investment that will continue to thrive and provide benefits over time.

In a nutshell, New York Ferns is a beautiful fern that is easy to grow and maintain. It is adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions and can benefit the environment and human health. By following the proper growing methods outlined in this article, gardeners can enjoy the beauty of New York Ferns in their landscapes.

Thelypteris noveboracensis - TN Nursery

New York Fern

The New York Fern is a native, deciduous species with delicate, lacy fronds and a distinctive appearance, commonly found in Eastern North American woodlands. These medium-sized ferns offer a delightful display of yellow-green fronds that carpet the forest floor. The fern has a delicate blade shape with a triangular leaf structure. The plant's blade is most comprehensive in the middle and tapers sharply at both ends. The New York Fern is a type of plant that grows well throughout the eastern part of North America, and it's found in large numbers throughout New York. This perennial is what you need to fill specific spaces in your yard that would benefit from greenery but might not be as friendly towards some of the flowers that currently occupy your space. Let's see why this plant might fit your current landscape well. New York Fern Reduces Soil Erosion and Weed Growth The fern is typically used as ground cover in areas where grass and other plants don't do as well. As a result, filling these spaces comes with some benefits. First, this plant takes root to prevent soil erosion in areas where soil isn't being kept in place by root systems. As an added benefit, the growth of this lush green plant throughout your yard makes it difficult for weeds to take root, preventing unwanted weed growth. New York Ferns Absorbs Airborne Pollutants These plants are adept at capturing pollutants from the air, making it easier for you to breathe and enjoy your outdoor space. If you're constantly bothered by dust or pollen, consider adding this plant to your landscape and others known to improve air quality. Add Bio-Diversity To Your Garden With The New York Ferns Biodiversity is essential on any property, and you'll find that this plant is a friend to local wildlife. For example, this ground cover is known to serve as an excellent cover for certain animals like toads. The better news? It's not a plant typically sought after by larger animals like deer, which means it will cover other animals until the cold weather comes in. New York Fern is a fast-growing plant that will quickly establish itself in your space, and trailing rhizomes will constantly be shooting up additional fronds that provide an even thicker look to your space. If you're looking for something hard to ruin and will start thriving in specific spaces almost immediately, this is the ground cover to go with.

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