The Bluet plant has several medicinal uses.
This plant can be used to kill head lice and can also be used to treat gout.
This plant is used as a tea for bedwetting and is also used to strengthen the bladder. This plant is also used to treat digestion problems, anorexia, anemia, and heartburn. This plant is also helpful for cramps, diabetes, kidney problems, jaundice, constipation and is also suitable for liver disease.
This little plant can also be used to treat fevers and is also used as a blood cleanser. This small plant is used for many medicinal purposes, and you can find all of these when you research this plant online. You can also use it to clear freckles and sunspots and can too clear blemishes.
As always, you need to check with your family physician before using this plant for any medical ailments and make sure it is right for you. Herbal remedies can sometimes interfere with other medications you are taking. You will also want to research this plant online and get a complete list of the side effects of using this plant for health reasons.
This plant is available at online nurseries, but you will want to research the Bluet before using this plant. You can also get information from your local health food stores, and they can help you find products that contain this plant. But again, you need to check with your regular family physician before taking any supplements.