13 Best Flower Plants for Hanging Baskets

Why Grow Perennials Flowers?

Perennials are plants that will return year after year. Having to buy new annuals (plants that only live one year) each year can be costly. By using perennials in hanging baskets, you won’t need to replace them every spring.

How to Plant Perennial Flowers in Hanging Baskets:

  1. Decide on what size hanging baskets you want to use
  2. Buy small perennial plants for hanging baskets
  3. Decide how many perennials you want to put in each basket, we recommend one or two, but you can do more
  4. Place a liner made from natural materials in the basket
  5. Fill half of the hanging basket with soil
  6. Take the perennial plant out of its store container and place it in the soil of a hanging basket
  7. Fill in the remaining space with soil
  8. Water plants thoroughly
  9. Hang the basket in the desired location

Picking Basket Perennial Plants

The best perennial plants for hanging baskets are the ones that you enjoy!

There are many options to choose from, but those that are short are ideal. This means picking plants that are no more than 12 inches high. All of the plants on this list are short and suited for containers. Plus the majority of the plants here are native and pollinator-friendly - what's not to love?

13 Best Perennial Flowers for Hanging Baskets:

Dwarf Crested Iris

The Dwarf Crested iris is one of the best perennial plants for hanging baskets because its flowers are unique, and your family and friends will want to take a closer look to see their intricate details.

Zones: 3 to 9

Sun exposure: Full sun to part shade

Mature height: up to 10 inches

Water: Average

Best for woodlands, borders, and containers

Painted Trillium

Painted trillium makes for a good hanging basket perennial because it's small enough to fit anywhere. Its flowers also have beautiful details. Painted trillium is low maintenance and easy to grow.

Sun exposure: Full shade

Zones: 3 to 9

Mature height: up to 8 inches

Water: Average

Best for woodland gardens, alpine gardens, containers, and shaded borders

Bird’s Foot Violet

Bird's foot violet is one of the best perennials for hanging baskets because it has plenty of blossoms each year. It is a resilient plant that can withstand weather changes and is happy as long as it has occasional shade.

Zones: 4 to 8

Mature height: up to 8 inches

Sun exposure: Full sun or part shade

Mature height: up to 6 inches

Water: average

Best for woodland edges, in front of borders and containers

Purple Violet

Purple violet is a great perennial for hanging baskets because it is small and easy to grow. It also shows off vibrant shades of purple as it blooms from late spring until fall. With its unique foliage, you may never need another hanging basket plant again.

Zones: 3 to 9

Sun exposure: Full sun or part shade

Mature height: up to 8 inches

Water: average

Best for woodland gardens, alpine gardens, containers, and borders

White Violets

White violets are some of the best perennials for hanging baskets because their green leaves make the white blossoms pop. The violets look especially nice when planted together with other violets. Plus, they are super easy to maintain!

Zones: 3 to 8

Sun exposure: Full sun or part shade

Mature height: up to 8 inches

Water: Average

Best for woodland gardens, moon gardens, alpine gardens, containers, and borders

Wild Ginger

Wild ginger is an ideal container plant because it is low maintenance and adds green to any arrangement. This plant can grow with other flowers to add interest to a hanging basket.

Sun exposure: Full shade

Zones: 4 to 8

Mature height: up to 12 inches

Water: average to wet

Best for woodlands, shaded gardens, under trees or shrubs, and in containers

European Ginger

The European ginger is another one of the best perennials for hanging baskets because its foliage will steal the show. In addition to its mellow ginger scent, this plant can fill any container with its lush foliage.

Sun exposure: part shade to full shade

Zones: 4 to 8

Mature height: up to 8 inches

Water: medium to wet

Best for woodlands, shaded gardens, under trees or shrubs, and in containers

Virginia Spring Beauty

The delicate flowers of the Virginia spring beauty make this another plant you will want to see up close. It is obvious why this is one of the best perennials for hanging baskets; the flowers are almost too beautiful to be real! 

Sun exposure: Full sun to part shade

Zones: 4 to 9

Mature height: up to 8 inches

Water: Average

Best for woodland gardens, alpine gardens, borders, and containers


The twinleaf is another hanging basket perennial that is almost too good to be true. Its cupped flowers sit just above its dark green foliage. With a short but full growth habit, the Twinleaf would look good in any hanging basket.

Sun exposure: Full shade

Zones: 5 to 7

Mature height: up to 8 inches

Water: Average to moist

Best for woodland gardens, front of borders, edges, and containers


The hepatica looks similar to the twinleaf but is even shorter. It makes for one of the best perennials for hanging baskets because of its many sparkly, white blossoms. 

Sun exposure: Part sun to part shade

Zones: 4 to 8

Mature height: up to 6 inches

Water: Average

Best for woodlands, edges, front of borders, and containers

Vinca Minor

While vinca minor is most often used as a groundcover, it looks wonderful in containers and hanging baskets. Its purple flowers will fill in and trail from any hanging basket as long as it has plenty of sun. 

Sun exposure: Full sun

Zones: 4 to 9

Mature height: up to 6 inches

Water: Average

Best for front of borders, containers, and as a groundcover

Creeping Buttercup

Creeping buttercup is most often grown on the ground, but why not bring it up a notch? Children are transfixed by these delicate flowers for a reason - they are beautiful and memorable. Why let kids have all the when you can enjoy them up close in a hanging basket?

Zones: 3 to 9

Sun exposure: Full sun or part shade

Mature height: up to 10 inches

Water: Average

Best for woodlands, borders, or as a groundcover


The overlooked bluets are one of the best perennials for hanging baskets because they have such delicate flowers. They pair nicely with violets, buttercups, or the dwarf crested iris. 

Sun exposure: Part sun to part shade

Zones: 3 to 8

Mature height: up to 6 inches

Water: Dry to average

Best for from of borders, woodland gardens, edges, and containers

How to Care for Your Hanging Plants in the Fall:

Now that you have some ideas of what to plant, here is a short care guide for hanging basket perennials. Because perennials will return the following year, they will require some maintenance and care if planted in a hanging basket or container.

If you have other containers that you plant perennials in, treat the plant in the hanging basket the same as those. If not, we suggest you consider doing the following:

  1. Take hanging baskets down
  2. Dig a half circle in the ground
  3. Remove the plant together with the natural materials liner
  4. Place the plant with a liner into the hole so it is levelled with the ground
  5. In spring, pick the plant up and replace the liner before reinserting it into the hanging basket
  6. The plant may need to be divided or thinned if it becomes too large for the hanging basket

Or you can try this method:

  1. Take hanging baskets down
  2. Place baskets in the greenhouse, shed, or basement
  3. Make sure you water the plants occasionally throughout winter
  4. In spring, take plants outside again and rehang 

Shop All Perennials

Visit our online shop for a wide selection of plants and trees, or come say hi at our store location in Tennessee!

We offer fast shipping nationwide so you can start transforming your garden today!

If you have any questions about basket hanging plants or if you have any other plant needs, don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected], we’d love to hear from you!

Dwarf Crested Iris - TN Nursery

Dwarf Crested Iris

Dwarf Crested Iris is a delicate perennial with small, slender leaves and charming, blue to purple iris-like flowers, each adorned with delicate white or yellow crests on their petals. It is a stunning and versatile plant with numerous landscaping benefits. This low-growing perennial herb is native to North America and thrives in woodland settings, making it an excellent addition to various garden styles. While exploring the lovely possibilities of dressing up your gardens, the dwarf crested iris will undoubtedly catch your eye. This is a relatively short perennial plant native to the eastern United States and enjoyed in gardens throughout the country and abroad. While many people are familiar with them, they are often unaware of their appealing traits. What are some of the notable benefits of planting it in your yard? Add Beautiful Pops of Color With Dwarf Crested Iris This plant is highly regarded for its many colors. The branches are brown and combine with yellowish-green or green leaves and stunning flowers. The plant reaches four inches in height with the stem and the flower. The fragrant flowers bloom in April and May, revealing shades of purple, lilac, lavender, blue, and pale blue. The rarer colors are pink and white. Additional colors include a white center and vibrant shades of yellow, orange, purple, and dark blue on its outer petals. Birds Love Dwarf Crested Iris Seeds The seeds produced by the flowers in the spring are under a centimeter in diameter, so they are easily dispersed by birds and the wind. In addition, this is a creeping plant that expands by shooting out long roots underground. While their growth is not usually noticeable only a year after planting them, the plants’ roots expand exponentially. This allows you to enjoy a blanket of them in your yard after several years. This plant is commonly found in the wild in wooded areas. It can also grow in the crags of ledges, on a rocky landscape, or in ravines. This makes it ideal for beautifying a formal garden or a native or xeriscape yard with rock features. Attract Wildlife With Dwarf Crested Iris While some wildlife is welcome and desired in your yard, other species can cause damage. This Dwarf Crested Iris deters deer on your property to safeguard the different plants in your yard that deer may be drawn to. In addition, they are fragrant and attract bees and hummingbirds.

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Painted Trillium - TN Nursery

Painted Trillium

Painted Trillium is a woodland wildflower with showy, white, or pinkish petals adorned with maroon or red streaks at the base. It is typically found in moist, forested areas and prized for its striking appearance. They are delicate and enchanting wildflowers that offer a range of benefits when thoughtfully integrated into landscaping designs. Its beauty, contributions to biodiversity, potential for naturalizing, woodland charm, and ability to create unique garden space. Painted trillium is common in eastern North America, specifically the Adirondack Mountains, which spans northeastern New York. It's a wildflower known for its red center and delicate white petals. Its botanical name is Undulatum, but gardeners commonly refer to it as the striped and smiling wake robin. It's also sometimes referred to as a painted lady because it starts to bloom just as the butterflies come out in the spring. This wildflower is a member of the Lilly family. Identifying The Painted Trillium The smiling wake robin is considered a flower of the Adirondack Mountains. They can be identified by their pink or red center and red stripes that follow the veins of their three white flower petals. It also has three green or blueish-green leaves, which is how it acquired the prefix 'tri' in its botanical name. Gardeners can expect this wildflower to grow up to 20 inches tall. The single flower that blooms from late spring to midsummer is about two inches wide with wavy, tapering petals. Gardeners can expect new plants to develop these flowers within four to seven years. How To Landscaping With Painted Trillium The Landscaping with the smiling wake robin is ideal for shade and pollinator gardens and areas with little to no direct sunlight. It is also suitable for adding color to areas under trees and around shrubs and bushes. Add Painted Trillium To Your Pollinator Garden If your gardening goal is to create a lovely pollinator garden, you can't go wrong with the smiling wake robin. This wildflower is known to attract bumble and honey bees, who forage for the pollen from the flowers. Smiling wake robins thrive next to other shade-loving plants. These include Christmas ferns, lady ferns, bleeding hearts, hostas, daffodils, snowdrops, Virginia bluebells, and the woodland phlox. Gardeners can enjoy the Painted Trillium in their shade gardens. They can also use it to add color to areas generally devoid of defined plant life, like under tall trees and shrubs, to create focal points.

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Bird's Foot Violet - TN Nursery

Bird's Foot Violet

Bird's Foot violet stands out with its distinct five-lobed, bird-like petals in shades of purple, blue, lavender, and occasionally white. Its intricate patterns and subtle markings add a touch of elegance to any garden space. Bird's foot violets are charming and visually captivating plants with many pleasing attributes incorporated into landscaping designs. Bird's Foot Violets Are a Low Growing Groundcover Bird's foot violet is a compact plant that usually does not grow more than 5 inches tall. It spreads out in low clusters of dense leaves and blossoms, making it ideal for gardeners looking for ground cover. Its narrow leaves blend nicely with grass or clover, adding a charming pop of color when it blooms. This flower is also a lovely addition to features like flowerbeds or tree edging. People often use plants around the base of taller flowers or as a border along walkways. Bird's Foot Violets Have Stunning Blue Blooms This plant features five-petaled blooms with three larger petals on the bottom and two smaller ones on the top. Typically, it has medium-purple petals with a soft, blue tint. Some variants have a rich, royal purple shade on the top two leaves, while others are such a pale purple that they appear almost white. All variants have a white streak along the center of the lower petal that draws attention to the dark, golden-yellow center of the flower. It is named after the distinctive shape of its leaves. This compact plant features small bunches of dark green leaves. Each leaf separates into several narrow, spiky lobes that shape it like a bird's footprint. The leaves fan out in a graceful spray, making this plant look even more appealing. Bird's Foot Violets Bloom In Spring And Fall Bird's Foot Violet is a perennial plant that can provide charm and beauty for most of the year. After staying dormant over the winter, this plant displays some bright green leaves in early spring. It then begins blooming in the middle of spring. Blossoms often last several weeks, and the plant can continue producing fresh blossoms as long as the conditions are right. In fall, it usually goes through a second round of blooming so that landscapers can enjoy even more beautiful purple flowers.

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Wild Ginger - TN Nursery

Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger is a low-growing, herbaceous perennial plant with heart-shaped leaves and unique, reddish-brown, tubular flowers often hidden beneath the foliage, typically found in shaded woodlands. It is a beautiful, versatile groundcover perennial that can be a valuable addition to landscaping. Here are some of its attributes and benefits when used in landscaping. Wild ginger is a plant that many may need to be made aware of. An ideal addition to a lawn that needs some variety in terms of the types and sizes of plants, there are plenty of reasons to start growing this plant where you live. Let's take a look at what it has to offer and how it might benefit your space. Wild Ginger Acts As a Larger Groundcover This plant is the perfect groundcover for those who want something that's a bit larger and can blend in seamlessly with their much smaller and much larger plants. Its heart-shaped leaves can extend up to eight inches tall, helping it seamlessly blend in throughout areas where smaller flowers feel disjointed in contrast with their much taller counterparts. If you have an area where you're having trouble growing grass or want something different, this plant will do! Wild Ginger Attracts Unique Pollinators This plant's flowers do not bloom toward the top. Instead, the jug-like flowers grow near the bottom of the plant. As a result, this attracts pollinators like ants and flies that you wouldn't usually think of as benefitting your garden. If you have other forms of ground cover or smaller plants that may need extra support, this plant could be an excellent addition to attract the pollinators your other plants aren't bringing in. Groundcover is a great way to reduce the number of weeds in your garden or yard. Because ground cover takes up the bulk of the planted space, it's much harder for weeds to take root and begin spreading. Should some weeds manage to start growing, they're much easier to pluck out. This plant is perfect if you want to reduce weeds and have something intentionally growing in your space. Reduces Soil Erosion With Wild Ginger Wild Ginger root systems spread across the space and keep soil in place, reducing soil erosion and ensuring that your soil retains its beneficial qualities. It also protects the roots of nearby plants, which is essential if you're looking to create a robust, beautiful garden.

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European Ginger - TN Nursery

European Ginger

European Ginger is a low-growing ground cover plant that has glossy, heart-shaped leaves and produces small, inconspicuous brownish-purple flowers nestled among its dense, carpet-like foliage. It is a charming and versatile plant with several landscaping benefits. This evergreen perennial herb is native to Europe and is valued for its exotic appearance, low-maintenance nature, and various practical applications in garden design. The European Ginger creates a pleasant aesthetic while helping keep insects and other pests away. This plant grows low to the ground and is typically used to cover barren areas or protect gardens or other areas you want to keep free of bugs or animals. The European Ginger Makes A Great Border Plant When grown in favorable conditions, it can grow over a foot tall. Its green leaves have a leathery texture that can add diversity to your yard or garden. The plant can be a garden border to add natural charm to your property. The green leaves may retain their color depending on the climate in your area. European Ginger Spreads Slowly  While this plant tends to spread relatively slowly but grows steadily, given enough space, you can get it to grow even faster by separating the roots into separate areas of your yard or garden to get them to propagate quickly. As a general rule, as long as it is planted in the right spot, you won't have to worry about it growing properly after putting roots into the ground. European Ginger Will Not Get Diseases  One of the key benefits of this European Ginger is that it won't succumb to disease. Furthermore, aside from slugs or snails, it isn't eaten by other insects or animals, and in numerous instances, it can attract butterflies and other attractive creatures to your property. It is worth noting that harm can be done to the plant if you prune it in the late fall or winter, as the remaining leaves can be vulnerable to burn. Ideally, you will prune it during the summer or early fall to allow the plant to bounce back before colder weather sets in.

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Hepatica - TN Nursery


Hepatica is a charming woodland wildflower with low-growing, lobed leaves and dainty, cup-shaped flowers in shades of blue, pink, or white that bloom early in the spring. It is a charming and versatile plant that offers several benefits when landscaping projects. This perennial herb, also known as Liverwort, is native to woodlands and temperate regions and can bring a touch of early spring beauty and ecological value to your garden designs.   Hepatica, also called Anemone americana, round-lobed liverleaf, liverleaf, and liverwort, is a small evergreen perennial with beautiful star-shaped flowers that bloom in early spring. The Native Habitat Of Hepatica It grows in open, shady woodlands in the eastern and central United States. In the wild, liverwort is usually found on ravine bottoms, mossy banks, and rocky wooded slopes near other herbaceous plants. The flowers open wide in the sunshine and close up on overcast days and after sunset. The Appearance Of The Hepatica Liverwort flowers are usually bright blue or lavender and less commonly white or pink. They emerge in mid-April and last through mid-May. Each star-shaped blossom rises 2"–6" from the ground on a hairy stem-like rhizome. The flowers are ½ "-1" wide and typically comprise six to ten oval-shaped sepals. Mature plants can bloom with more than twenty flowers at a time. After the blossoms fade, the plant grows new glossy and glowing green leaves when they unfurl. These leathery, three-lobed, heart-shaped leaves grow to be 2"–3" wide and darken as they mature, and some have reddish-purple undersides. In winter, the foliage can darken and change color. Hepatica Looks Lovely In A Woodland Garden  Hepatica makes a lovely addition to a woodland garden, where it can live for many years if left undisturbed. When planted under shade trees with other native plants, it provides a sweet burst of color. The bright flowers make an excellent companion to other early spring flowers like crocuses, bleeding hearts, Dutchman's breeches, and trilliums. Planting liverwort in your garden is a great way to encourage biodiversity. Though the flowers do not produce nectar, they still attract pollinators like bees, butterflies, beetles, and other beneficial insects that help the plant propagate. Ants take seeds back to their nests, eat their nourishing elaiosomes, and leave them in new territory where they can germinate. In early summer, liverwort produces fruits that become a food source for chipmunks and other small mammals. If you want to add a sweet burst of charm to your landscape, planting it near your trees will bring you springtime joy.

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Vinca Minor - TN Nursery

Vinca Minor

The Vinca Minor has lush and evergreen foliage and delicate blue or white flowers, making it a popular choice for various outdoor spaces. While its benefits extend beyond its use in herbalism, let's explore its landscaping advantages. Vinca Minor, also called creeping myrtle, lesser periwinkle, or just myrtle, is a perennial beauty that instills a fetching charm in gardens, landscapes, and even potted plants. Vinca Minor Has Deep Emerald Green Foliage The leaves are a deep shade of rich emerald green, and most have a glossy, polished, or shiny appearance. They are typically oval-shaped with smooth edges, a thick texture, and prominent veins. Some species are varied. The plants can be erect or trailing. Leaves occur in pairs along the height of the stem, making the plant look lush and thick. The plant is graced with trailing stems and adorned with clusters of small blooms in white or in a pale, pastel purple-blue color that many people associate with serenity. This plant is active year-round. Delicate little flowers appear early in spring and continue to bloom throughout spring and summer. Against a strikingly verdant backdrop provided by the rich green leaves, the clusters of blossoms are displayed to the best advantage. Creeping myrtles may look delicate. Nevertheless, they are hardy plants that tolerate harsh conditions gracefully. As perennial evergreen plants, they remain bright green throughout the winter. The Ground Cover Characteristics Of Vinca Minor This plant reaches only six inches when upright. However, the roots continue to grow underground every year, eventually becoming quite long. Although this plant has a medium growth rate, the roots can form a trailing mat, prostrate mat, or mounding mat. The stems like to get tangled up with each other, and as they do, they produce a thick mat of greenery that thrives all year. Vinca Minor Looks Great In Hanging Baskets Vinca Minor works well as trailers in large hanging baskets and tall pots. They provide superior coverage for hilly areas and can even be used in landscaping designs where you want subtle pops of color added to your existing ground-cover greenery. They have other uses as well. They have long been used in folk medicine to treat heart, nervous system, and GI tract conditions. The herb is thought to improve cognition and brain health.

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Creeping Buttercup - TN Nursery

Creeping Buttercup

Creeping Buttercup is a low-growing, perennial weed with bright yellow, glossy flowers and climbing stems, making it a favorite for low-maintenance landscaping. This versatile perennial herb, native to Europe and Asia, has attractive characteristics that make it a valuable addition to various garden settings. The creeping buttercup is a stunning perennial that introduces a whimsical look to your gardens. Because of its hardiness and adaptability, the plant, which is also called the sit fast and the crowfoot, grows wild in vast areas from northern Africa to Europe and Asia. Because of its impressive traits and aesthetics, it has been incorporated into yards far outside these areas. What can you expect when you add this plant to your landscape? Bright Golden Flowers Of The Creeping Buttercup This plant produces small, delicate flowers in the spring and summer seasons. When conditions are suitable, the flowers may also last through the early autumn months. The flowers grow up to 1.25 inches and show off golden petals, creating a pop of color that makes them a welcome addition to gardens and yards. The flowers grow on dense, sturdy, lightly grooved stems, adding character to their design. The yellow flowers are fragrant and glossy with substantial amounts of pollen. These traits attract abundant pollinators to the environment, including flies, bees, and fluttering butterflies. These pollinators promote the health of other plants that rely on them as part of their reproductive processes. In addition, the pollinators attracted by the pollinators bring different types of wildlife to your yard, including birds and leafhoppers. Fast Growth Of The Creeping Buttercup This plant can deliver results quickly in areas of your yard that desperately need vegetation and color. It proliferates by shooting off a dense, fast-growing network of runners and roots. In many yards, moist areas can be void of vegetation and detract from the otherwise lovely aesthetics of the space. However, this plant thrives in wet soils, making it suitable for filling moist areas with green and yellow hues. Light Reflection from The Creeping Buttercup The glossy petals naturally reflect light, creating a stunning, radiant look in your space. The flowers' reflection also supports the plant's reproductive process and aids in attracting wildlife to the space.

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