How to create that beautiful flower garden you've always wanted
The first thing to consider is what type of plants are desired in the flower garden. Annuals are brilliant in color, no doubt, but they have a short life span and only live one season and must be replanted every year. Bi-Annuals live for 2 or 3 seasons and also as annuals die back after blooming. On the other hand, perennials have added benefits in the garden, like living for decades and returning every spring without having to be taken up for areas that have harsh winter weather. We offer many Grab Bag flowers. Ferns are also a good and easy plant of choice.
Finding the right perennial for your garden
Perennials come in bulb or rhizome form. Most perennials bloom in the first 3-5 years of age and continue to flourish throughout their decade or more lifespan. Some live longer than others. For example, Siberian iris and other types of plants in this family of flowering favorites live for 20+ years, whereas daylilies and other bulbs live for at least ten years.
The livelihood of any plant depends on some specific factors, such as where the plants will be planted, the fertility of the soil, the care is given and maintenance given to them, and last but not least, if they are hardy plants to be planted in specific zones.
One thing I have noticed when shopping at Tn Nursery is their online store has a plant finder. It's a GeoZone locator tool that picks up one's growing zone from an IP address validator. After you go to their site, and it tells you what zone you are in, then there is a menu to "select specific plants for your zone." That is a fantastic tool, and I am sure it's been well worth the effort of this online nursery installing it for the ease and benefits of their customers.
Some great types of easy-growing shade perennials include the Virginia Blue Bells, also known to some as cowslip plants. Columbine is an excellent plant for shade and loves well-drained soils. Last but not least are trillium species. These are all well-loved shade perennials that thrive in lots of drained and also dry areas in landscaping.
Sun perennials tolerate drought and lack of care very well due to them being sun-loving plants. Daisy plants, daffodils, black-eyed Susan, and honeysuckle plants are all perennials that love sunny areas in a garden.
Most Perennials are carefree, takes such little effort, and remain beautiful.