Sun Perennials


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 TN Nursery, founded in 1959, prides itself on its excellent sun perennial selection, including plenty of bright-loving flower varieties that will offer you lots of color and choices. We'll ship your flowers fast so you can get gardening!

Sun Perennials

It’s so much fun heading to your local nursery to select different plants and flowers, but strategically choosing the ones that do well in full sun can be difficult if you’re not a seasoned gardener. 


Your garden shines bright when it has a variety of colorful plants, both visually and in terms of its impact. Nevertheless, acquiring such a space is only possible if you strategically plant the right species, and perennials that bloom all summer are perfect for this.


Unlike annual plants, sun perennial roots stay alive even in fall and winter, returning year after year to beautify your garden. These resilient plants can even survive in a sunny place in your yard, so they’re a great addition to your lovely flower display. 


At TN Nursery, we have a vast collection of perennial flowers for your selection, among them perennial flowers for full sun and part sun perennials, available for you to choose from.

Why Choose Sun Perennials?

Here are a few compelling reasons to choose perennials that bloom all summer over your annual plants:


  • Once established, sun perennials are resilient and require minimal care. 
  • These flowers come in different hues and exposures, offering many options. 
  • Perennials attract bees, butterflies, monarchs, and other pollinators and provide them with food and shelter all year round. 

Top Picks for Your Garden

TN Nursery stocks a range of part sun perennials and perennial flowers for total sun exposure, offering many options to gardening enthusiasts. Among the most loved ones is Coneflower (Echinacea), known for its unique daisy-like purple blooms. In addition to adding vibrancy to the space, these flowers attract pollinators and support the local ecosystem. 


Next in line is the stunning Daylily, a versatile flowering plant whose bright orange flowers make it a perfect addition to various garden designs. Additionally, we have Goat’s Beard Plant, Blazing Star, and Hasta that thrive even in the brightest parts of your garden. Explore our entire collection to pick your flowers strategically.