Deer Resistant Plants



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We offer deer resistant plants! There are few worse feelings than discovering deer munching on your flowers. You wish they would feed elsewhere and have tried scarecrows and motion-activated lights with some success.

Keep Your Garden Lush With Deer Resistant Plants

Having a garden that attracts wildlife can help create an outdoor sanctuary and provide a place of relaxation. While many animals and other wildlife help maintain the overall health of your garden or yard, others can be harmful and may even destroy the result of all the work you put into it.

As peaceful as ferns usually are, they are one animal that can quickly ruin and destroy a garden or yard. They are known to be voracious eaters of many types of leaves and flowers, and if not controlled, they can devour an entire garden.

Deer resistant plants can help control them, keep your garden looking healthy, and do it naturally without chemicals or other harmful substances. Some flowers work well as repellants. Others give them a bitter or unliked taste and may make them avoid your yard altogether. Others yet, serve as natural barriers, preventing the issue from occurring. This does not mean you can still enjoy a vibrant and lush garden or landscaping. One of the best flower groups is ferns. Ferns come in various sizes and shapes and can be selected to fit perfectly in many areas of your yard. Some ferns, such as cinnamon ferns, add a touch of vibrant color in the middle of their leaves.

Moss Is A Perfect Deer Resistant Plant

Moss is another great resistant flower that can substitute for other ground coverings. In general, they avoid flowers like moss and lichens. Reindeer moss and carpet moss can cover large areas below trees and other tall shrubs, while other varieties, such as fern moss, can grow much taller and may even be shaped with topiary work.

Running Bamboo Is A Perfect Deer Resistant Plant

Another natural deer resistant plant that can help keep them away is running bamboo. Running bamboo is a fast-growing and hardy flower that grows very well in various climates. The bamboo's bunching can help create a natural barrier to keep them out of your yard.

Deer Resistant Plant Favorites

Ajuga Plant

English Ivy

Running Cedar Plant