Planting vines successfully

Vine Plants

Vine plants make a beautiful backdrop to your landscape. When choosing a vine to plant, decide where it will grow and the support you can give it. You must also consider what type of trouble it can get into and plan accordingly! Whichever type of vine you choose, ensure that as the plant grows, it is contained within its boundaries and is not allowed to twine around tree limbs or grow onto your house. Clinging vines can work their roots into the mortar between bricks and eventually cause significant damage. Also, please do not allow them to grow onto any structures you want to paint.

Different vining plants need different support systems. A twining vine, for example, must have sturdy poles or boards, such as a pergola, for the new growth to wrap around. Twining plants include Morning glory and honeysuckle. Vines with tendrils, like clematis, passionflower, and grape, need slim structures such as string or wire to climb. Chain link fences are perfect for these types, but if you want to plant them along a solid fence, they will need help, such as a trellis or wire. Clinging vines such as wisteria and winter creeper grow wonderfully on solid objects or walls but will work their way into any holes or weak areas of the wall.

Vinca minor, known as periwinkle and sometimes creeping Myrtle, is a vining ground cover

When planted, it spreads along the ground, usually smothering weeds, but does not climb or twine. Vinca minor is attractive, especially when flowering, but if not carefully contained, it can be invasive to other landscaping areas and difficult to remove.

Another species worth mentioning is English Ivy. It is the charming plant you see in the photographs of old English and Irish cottages. English Ivy will climb just about any surface and grow horizontally along the ground. It is also a very invasive plant if not kept in check. It produces a berry-like fruit that attracts wildlife but is poisonous to humans and nectar that attracts insects. European Ginger is a great ground cover as well. Whichever type of vine you choose to grow, ensure you check the USDA plant hardiness zone system to make sure your climate is suitable for your chosen plant. Also, check the amount of sun or shade needed and plant accordingly. As far as soil goes, these plants are hardy and generally do not need anything other than rich soil. If you turn a shovel full of earth over in your designated spot and see worms, you're good to go!

Once the plants are established, they rarely need watering; ensure you prune them to keep them contained

Vinca Minor - TN Nursery

Vinca Minor

The Vinca Minor has lush and evergreen foliage and delicate blue or white flowers, making it a popular choice for various outdoor spaces. While its benefits extend beyond its use in herbalism, let's explore its landscaping advantages. Vinca Minor, also called creeping myrtle, lesser periwinkle, or just myrtle, is a perennial beauty that instills a fetching charm in gardens, landscapes, and even potted plants. Vinca Minor Has Deep Emerald Green Foliage The leaves are a deep shade of rich emerald green, and most have a glossy, polished, or shiny appearance. They are typically oval-shaped with smooth edges, a thick texture, and prominent veins. Some species are varied. The plants can be erect or trailing. Leaves occur in pairs along the height of the stem, making the plant look lush and thick. The plant is graced with trailing stems and adorned with clusters of small blooms in white or in a pale, pastel purple-blue color that many people associate with serenity. This plant is active year-round. Delicate little flowers appear early in spring and continue to bloom throughout spring and summer. Against a strikingly verdant backdrop provided by the rich green leaves, the clusters of blossoms are displayed to the best advantage. Creeping myrtles may look delicate. Nevertheless, they are hardy plants that tolerate harsh conditions gracefully. As perennial evergreen plants, they remain bright green throughout the winter. The Ground Cover Characteristics Of Vinca Minor This plant reaches only six inches when upright. However, the roots continue to grow underground every year, eventually becoming quite long. Although this plant has a medium growth rate, the roots can form a trailing mat, prostrate mat, or mounding mat. The stems like to get tangled up with each other, and as they do, they produce a thick mat of greenery that thrives all year. Vinca Minor Looks Great In Hanging Baskets Vinca Minor works well as trailers in large hanging baskets and tall pots. They provide superior coverage for hilly areas and can even be used in landscaping designs where you want subtle pops of color added to your existing ground-cover greenery. They have other uses as well. They have long been used in folk medicine to treat heart, nervous system, and GI tract conditions. The herb is thought to improve cognition and brain health.

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European Ginger - TN Nursery

European Ginger

European Ginger is a low-growing ground cover plant that has glossy, heart-shaped leaves and produces small, inconspicuous brownish-purple flowers nestled among its dense, carpet-like foliage. It is a charming and versatile plant with several landscaping benefits. This evergreen perennial herb is native to Europe and is valued for its exotic appearance, low-maintenance nature, and various practical applications in garden design. The European Ginger creates a pleasant aesthetic while helping keep insects and other pests away. This plant grows low to the ground and is typically used to cover barren areas or protect gardens or other areas you want to keep free of bugs or animals. The European Ginger Makes A Great Border Plant When grown in favorable conditions, it can grow over a foot tall. Its green leaves have a leathery texture that can add diversity to your yard or garden. The plant can be a garden border to add natural charm to your property. The green leaves may retain their color depending on the climate in your area. European Ginger Spreads Slowly  While this plant tends to spread relatively slowly but grows steadily, given enough space, you can get it to grow even faster by separating the roots into separate areas of your yard or garden to get them to propagate quickly. As a general rule, as long as it is planted in the right spot, you won't have to worry about it growing properly after putting roots into the ground. European Ginger Will Not Get Diseases  One of the key benefits of this European Ginger is that it won't succumb to disease. Furthermore, aside from slugs or snails, it isn't eaten by other insects or animals, and in numerous instances, it can attract butterflies and other attractive creatures to your property. It is worth noting that harm can be done to the plant if you prune it in the late fall or winter, as the remaining leaves can be vulnerable to burn. Ideally, you will prune it during the summer or early fall to allow the plant to bounce back before colder weather sets in.

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Trumpet Vine - TN Nursery

Trumpet Vine

Trumpet Vine is a vigorous, deciduous woody plant known for its showy, trumpet-shaped orange or red flowers and ability to attract hummingbirds and butterflies. It is a popular choice for covering fences and trellises. When integrated into landscaping projects, it offers many benefits, such as enhancing outdoor spaces' visual allure, ecological diversity, and functionality. This deciduous woody plant presents unique qualities that contribute to various dimensions of landscape design. One of the standout benefits of using it in landscaping is its striking floral display.   They have their place in any yard, and some produce stunning flowers that are pretty hard to ignore. Look at the trumpet vine if you've been looking for the right one. Also known as the creeper, these gorgeous plants have a wide range of purposes some may forget. Here's what these unique plants have to offer that you'll be sure to love. The Spectacular Flower Display Of Trumpet Vine They produce a fabulous flower show that begins in May and lasts until about August. As the name suggests, these flowers burst out of the foliage and announce themselves with a dazzling red-orange display that coats almost all of them. No matter where they're growing, they will catch your attention once they're ready to make themselves known. Trumpet Vines Offer Vertical Decor  Finding the right plants for vertical decor can be difficult, and not everyone wants to fill their spaces with hanging plants or pots attached to the wall. This is where they come in. These gorgeous flowers easily climb up vertical decor-like trellises to provide the coverage you're looking for. They are highly durable and will increase, making them the perfect plan for those looking to cover specific areas fast without worrying too much about making mistakes that put them at risk.  Trumpet Vines Offers Erosion Control Planting Trumpet Vine can be an excellent way to reduce soil erosion, especially in sloped areas where you're concerned about the stability of particular objects or other plants. They create networks of roots that keep soil in place. They also offer different benefits for your yard, like attracting essential pollinators such as birds and butterflies and acting as a space where ants can build a habitat. If you want a plant that provides a host of benefits to the surrounding area, consider this one.

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