The smooth Cordgrass is a plant species that can provide coastal wetland protection and erosion resistance. This plant species is commonly used for erosion control along coastal areas, including dikes, marinas, and harbors. It is also used as a soil stabilizer for sandy soil. When combined with other shoreline vegetation, smooth Cordgrass can provide a barrier that traps and eliminates energy. The effects of elevated salinity levels on plants are cumulative. They can manifest in decreased vigor, stubby stems, and loose leaves.
Site selection is also vital to ensure the plant is placed in an inter-tidal zone. This ensures that the Cordgrass is sensitive to reduced soil sulfides. Water depths of 1 to 18 inches are ideal for establishing plants. However, they tend to slow down and are prone to washout. This plant is adapted to soils such as sandy clays, silty clays, and fine sand. It can be challenging for soil with high organic matter levels to establish roots.
Some further considerations are as follows;
Planting Date For Smooth Cordgrass
Ideally, smooth Cordgrass should be planted between April and September. In areas with poor water circulation, especially interior marshes, only plant new plants in July and August. This will prevent them from getting affected by high temperatures. Late fall plant introductions can be done in October and November in areas that can be safely protected from winter storms.
Planting Location For Smooth Cordgrass
Although smooth Cordgrass is an intertidal plant species, it must be planted within the intertidal zone. This plant can be used for erosion control in areas with a soil-water interface. Smooth Cordgrass is an excellent soil stabilizer for areas with loose and unconsolidated soils.
Shoreline Plantings
Smooth Cordgrass is usually planted as a row parallel to the shoreline. Plant into the soil and attach a hook to the root ball. It is essential to ensure the anchor is long enough to prevent the plant from washing out. When planting bare-root plugs, the holes should only be 3 inches wide to cover the roots. A dibble bar works well for punching a hole that size. To evenly distribute the roots, cup them in hand and push them down into the mud.