Mosquito Repellent Plants



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Mosquito season can be irritating when simply trying to enjoy your backyard or garden. Mosquito-repellent plants and trees from TN Nursery can help keep these annoying, biting insects at bay. Certain plants and trees give off unpleasant odors to the pests and can drive them away without using chemicals or bug spray.

Mosquito Repellant Plants Are Permanent  

Nuisance insects can often be a nuisance, especially when they come in large numbers, but Mosquito Repellent Plants can help with that problem. Especially after all the work and care you might put into your garden or yard; it can be very discouraging to enjoy only some of your effort. Bug sprays and similar methods may help, but they are only temporary and often involve chemicals. Moss is an excellent mosquito-repellent plant. It cleans stagnant areas of standing water where mosquitoes love to breed.

They are a great way to eliminate some insects without chemicals or other costly methods. Since they also continuously repel insects, you can enjoy your yard or garden all year.

Many types of flowers keep them away. Including a variety of these in your yard or garden areas will achieve the most benefit in repelling these nuisance insects.

Some Trees Are Mosquito Repellent Plants

Many trees emit a scent pleasing to humans but are avoided by nuisance insects. Certain species of cedars and oaks emit such a fragrance year-round. With careful planning of where they are placed, they can provide years of insect control, shade for your flowers, and safe shelter for many animals, such as squirrels and birds. Many Viburnum species also emit a calming fragrance and can help fill in larger open areas in your garden.

One of the most overlooked and misunderstood nuisance insects is moss. Although many people associate moss with more nuisance insects, they are one of the best at repelling them. In general, mosses require areas with lots of water to thrive. By absorbing much of the surrounding water, they can reduce the likelihood of pooling water that would otherwise become the perfect breeding area for insects.

Mosquito Repellent Plants Benefit Any Garden 

The various types of Mosquito Repellent Plants mean you can add this benefit anywhere in your garden. By carefully selecting a wide variety of types and spacing them around your garden, you can naturally reduce the number of insects so you can enjoy the scenery and fragrance of all the Flowers in your garden.

TN Nurserie's Top Selling Plant to Repel Mosquitoes

  1. Fern Moss
  2. Tree Moss
  3. Pin Cushion Moss