Deer Resistant Plants

Native plants have adapted to thrive in the specific soil, climate, and environmental conditions of their region, making them hardier and less appealing to deer compared to non-native alternatives.


Native Ferns Are Deer Resistant


Most Native Perennials Are Deer Resistant


Some Native Trees Are Deer Resistant

Natural Deterrence

Native plants have evolved alongside local wildlife, including deer. As a result, they often possess natural defenses that make them less appealing to deer.

Native Plants Are Adapted to Local Conditions

Native plants are well-suited to local environmental conditions, which can make them more resilient to deer browsing. They often require less maintenance and are less vulnerable to damage.

The Bitter Taste Of Native Plants

Native plants often have a bitter taste, which discourages deer from consuming them. This bitterness can be attributed to secondary metabolites that have evolved as a defense mechanism.

Deer Resistant Plants

Deer resistant plants are a valuable addition to any garden or landscape, particularly in areas with prevalent deer populations. These plants possess characteristics that make them less appealing to deer, reducing the likelihood of damage to your garden or landscape. Understanding the principles behind deer resistance and incorporating deer-resistant plants into your outdoor spaces can help you create a beautiful and resilient landscape that thrives even in deer-prone areas.

A key factor contributing to a plant's deer resistance is its scent. Deer have a highly developed sense of smell, and strong odors naturally deter them. Many deer-resistant plants produce fragrances that deer find unappealing, such as those with herbal solid or medicinal scents. Examples of such plants include lavender, rosemary, and sage.

Scent of Deer Resistant Plants

In addition to scent, the taste of a plant can also influence its deer resistance. Plants with bitter or astringent flavors are less likely to be consumed by deer. For example, plants with fuzzy or leathery leaves, such as lamb's ear or yarrow, often have a bitter taste that deters browsing animals. Similarly, plants with thick or spiny foliage, like barberry or holly, are less palatable to deer due to their challenging texture.

Another strategy employed by deer-resistant plants is to contain toxins or compounds harmful or unpleasant to deer. Certain plants produce chemicals that cause digestive upset or toxicity in deer if ingested. For example, plants in the Allium genus, including onions, garlic, and chives, contain sulfur compounds that can be toxic to deer in large quantities. Similarly, many ornamental grasses contain silica, which can irritate a deer's digestive system.

Incorporating a diverse range of deer-resistant plants into your landscape can help to create a layered defense against deer browsing. By selecting plants with different scents, flavors, and toxic compounds, you can increase the likelihood that at least some of your plants will be unappealing to deer. Additionally, combining deer-resistant plants with physical barriers such as fencing or thorny shrubs can deter deer from entering your garden.

Deer Resistant Plants Are Still Edible

It's important to note that while deer resistant plants are less likely to be damaged by deer, they are not entirely immune to browsing. Even deer-resistant plants may be eaten in times of scarcity or when deer populations are exceptionally high. Therefore, monitoring your garden regularly and taking appropriate measures to protect vulnerable plants if deer pressure becomes excessive is essential.

In conclusion, deer resistant plants offer a practical and sustainable solution for gardeners seeking to minimize damage from deer browsing. By selecting plants with strong scents, bitter flavors, or toxic compounds, gardeners can create a less appealing landscape for deer while providing beauty and biodiversity. Incorporating a variety of deer resistant plants into your garden can help to create a resilient and harmonious outdoor space that thrives in the presence of wildlife.