Fragrant Plants



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Fragrant plants offer more than beauty; they offer outdoor aroma therapy. TN Nursery's selection of aromatic flowering flowers has a scent like love. Our company has been family-operated since 1959, and we offer buy one, get one free deals on almost all our flowers, including scented floral bloomers.

Fragrant Plants Make Your Landscape Pop

Many fragrant plants can help create a stunning visual attractiveness to your garden and yard. With the brightness and differing colors available, creating a focal point in your neighborhood is easy. However, many flowers don't just bring visual attractiveness; they also bring great fragrances to your yard.

Some Fragrant Plants Don't Bloom

When selecting flowers, scented flowers are a great way to enhance the visual aspect of your yard. Although many flowers produce some fragrance, scented flowers include many non-flowering varieties, such as certain mosses and trees, such as cedars.

One of the most recognizable scented flowers is lilac. These scented flowers can grow quite large or, if pruned regularly, remain a more manageable size, perfect for nearly any place in your yard or landscaping. When in bloom, they produce a distinct aroma that can be noticed in large areas around the yard.

Some Fragrant Plant Favorites 

Hibiscus and myrtles are another group of scented flowers that can add a calming aroma to your yard. They also have bright flowers and blooms that add color to many areas of your yard. These flowers can grow as significant or be maintained as small as they fit perfectly in your landscaping. Adding a wonderful aroma is not the only benefit of including scented flowers in your garden. Many pollinators, such as butterflies, bees, and moths, are attracted by the fragrance and can help increase the overall health of your yard. The aroma of many fragrant plants also helps control and repel nuisance insects, such as weevils and mosquitoes.

While many scented flowers produce showy and bright blooms, others make more muted colors or remain green. Whatever type of plant you are looking for to fill in gaps in your landscaping or create a centerpiece for your yard, scented flowers can help. Along with the beautiful aroma many produce, they can also add many other benefits to your yard.