Plants to Beautify Your Garden | What to Know

As spring arrives, most of us are in our garden with shovels in our hands to start the season by planting some beautiful plants.

It is not just the spring season, but you can also plant many shrubs and plants in fall or early winter to prepare them for next spring.

Conifers: Conifer is a Latin word that means “cone-bearing.” They are primarily trees with some shrubs and bear seeds in cones. Commercially they are of great use for making paper and timber. Most conifers bear scale-like foliage like the Cupressus & Chamaecyparis, and some have needle-type foliage as in Abies & Pinus. Most conifers are evergreen and need less maintenance; The best time to grow them is during the cold season with high rainfall. A few examples of conifers are junipers, cedars, firs, hemlocks, larches, pines, and spruces.

Cycads: Cycads are plants that are evergreen and resemble palms or ferns. They are of various types; some grow in full shade, and some require full sunlight. They grow from a few centimeters to several meters tall. They have a long life and live for many years. Cycads are considered one of the oldest vegetation to have survived so far. They have been in existence for thousands of years. They do not demand a lot of water and use most of the soil as the roots reach deep to utilize groundwater. These plants grow very slowly and can also be grown in pots; you would not need to re-pot them regularly due to their steady growth. A few examples of cycads are cycas rumphii, sago palm (Cycas revolute), and cycas taiwaniana.

Angiosperms: Angiosperms (flowering plants) are plants that produce fruits and contain seeds in them. These flowering plants are of large varieties. The most common species of these plants are divided into three families comprising the sunflower family, orchid family, and pea family/legume. A few examples of these flowering plants are Conyza floribunda, Helianthus Annuus & Gerbera jamesonii.

Burning Shrubs Are vibrant and in full fall color.

Source to Buy a Variety of Flowering Plants and Evergreen Shrubs