The Ultimate Guide to Growing Lady Ferns in Your Garden

A lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina) is a native fern found in many parts of Canada and the United States. Its flowers are white, sometimes with a hint of pink. The blooms appear in spring or summer, followed by black berries in the fall. It is a tiny plant that can form dense, low-growing mats and can be difficult to eradicate once established. Because of its clinging, creeping growth habit, lady fern is often used as a ground cover in moist to wet areas such as along the edges of ponds or near a stream.

Why Purchase Lady Fern

Lady fern is an excellent alternative if you have difficulty growing flowers or shrubs. It thrives in areas with moist soil, making it a perfect choice for ponds and other water sources. It is a low-maintenance plant that requires little fertilizer or watering. Once established, it proliferates and can easily be maintained by pulling out unwanted plants. Lady fern is also deer-resistant, a bonus for areas with deer issues. Another reason to plant a lady fern is for its gorgeous flowers. They come in shades of pink or white and will brighten up any spot in your yard.

Where it Looks Great

Lady fern is a beautiful shade of light green, making it a great addition to any part of your garden where a low-growing, undemanding ground cover is needed. The leaves are small and round and usually have a dark line across the center. This native wildflower blooms during spring and early summer with clusters of small, pale pink or white flowers. These plants thrive in moist soil and can be grown in full or partial shade. Lady fern is an excellent choice for quick, easy ground cover. It will thrive in almost any soil type and partial shade, making it an ideal choice for any garden. Buy Lady Fern at low prices and enjoy fast nationwide shipping.


Lady fern is a popular native plant used as a ground cover in moist soil or as a border in a shadier area. It thrives in areas with partial shade and moist soil. Its small, round leaves usually have a dark line running across the center and white or pink flowers that grow in spring and summer. It is a quick and easy ground cover that requires little fertilizer or watering and can be easily maintained by pulling out unwanted plants.


“Lady Ferns: Plant Care and Growing Guide.” The Spruce, 6 June 2022,

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Lady Fern - TN Nursery

Lady Fern

The Lady Fern is a delicate, feathery-textured fern with finely divided, lacy fronds often found in moist, shaded woodland environments. It is a graceful and versatile fern species that offers a range of benefits when incorporated into landscaping designs. The fern's delicate fronds, adaptability, and aesthetic contributions make it a sought-after choice for enhancing outdoor spaces. The Lady Fern Can Get 5 Feet Tall Lady Fern, scientifically known as Athyrium filix-femina, is a natural perennial that can reach a height of five feet. Their large, lacy leaves are a brilliant green, each growing as wide as a foot. The leaves are a verdant green as the summer progresses, but they turn a golden yellow as winter approaches. The stems of the fronds might be green, purple, or red. As the temperature decreases in the autumn, the leaves fall off; they always grow back in the spring. A cluster of these plants will form around the original plant as they spread out from a core base. They are more tolerant of dry soils than other plants and can even handle partial sunshine in damp soil. Lady Fern Helps Fight Soil Erosion  The rhizome root systems of Lady Fern plants play a significant role in soil stabilization. You can use the fronds that fall from them as mulch. These plants also enhance soil erosion prevention through their dense plant cover and unique slope adaptation. Because of their fibrous root systems and thick, verdant foliage, they are great for creating homes for animals in their native environments. Many small animals, like beetles and spiders, find cover and a place to lay their eggs among the complex fronds while the plant protects them from danger. Birds and other animals, including amphibians and reptiles, feed on the plant's decaying matter, fungi, and other organic material in the soil and leaf litter for sustenance. The Lady Fern Has Been Around For Millions Of Years  They have been around for a long time in American woods, but they've just lately become popular as landscaping plants. They work excellently as garden borders, which helps keep certain animals away. With their somewhat tall stature, they are also perfect for layering borders in the garden. They provide a lovely low-front or mid-height addition when planted toward the front or center of the border, respectively.

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maidenhair fern - TN Nursery

Maidenhair Fern

The Maidenhair Fern is a delicate, deciduous plant with finely divided, fan-shaped fronds and distinctive black stems, adding an elegant touch to shaded gardens and moist woodlands. It is an aesthetically pleasing plant that offers a range of benefits when used in landscaping. Its unique characteristics and visual appeal make it famous for outdoor and indoor spaces.  The Maidenhair is prized for its delicate leaves and long lifespan. The scientific name is Adiantum SPP, and it's part of 250 species of these plants, including the Northern, Delta, and Southern Maidenhair ferns. The Greek part of the plant's official name means unwetted, and it gets that name from its ability to shed water without getting damp. These plants are native to the Himalayas, East Asia, and the eastern part of North America. Maidenhair Fern's Leaves  Adiantum spp are prized for their fan-shaped leaves. They are known to make excellent houseplants and usually grow between one and two feet tall and the same width. Their stems are wiry black, while the leaves are bright green. Gardeners can expect them to reach their full height in three years, and with proper care, they can live up to 15 years. Maidenhair Fern Grows Well In Pots  Adiantum SPP grows well in pots, containers, and terrariums and can be replanted as it outgrows its container. It also makes great container plants and can be planted in shade gardens and hosta gardens. The Adiantum SPP is known for its air purification qualities. The leaves draw in airborne toxins and are used as nutrients, helping them clean the air wherever they are planted. They also release moisture, which can help combat dry indoor air. When the Adiantum SPP is grown outdoors, it can help stabilize loose soil and cover wildlife, including frogs, lizards, and birds. Birds will sometimes use the dried frons to line their nests. Companion Plants For Maidenhair Fern  The Adiantum SPP can be grown with other flowers and ferns, including the strawberry begonia, coral bells, ginger, woodland geraniums, bloodroot, hostas, hellebores, and pulmonarias. Gardeners can enjoy the calmness of Maidenhair Ferns indoors and outdoors. They make excellent potted plants and look wonderful around water features and along hillsides. They can also be combined with other ferns and flowers to create eye-catching garden beds.

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Sensitive Fern - TN Nursery

Sensitive Fern

The Sensitive Fern is a hardy, deciduous plant with finely dissected fronds that curl up when touched or exposed to frost. This makes it a unique and exciting addition to damp woodland gardens. This fern is a beloved plant that gets its name due to its sensitive nature, preferring specific environments that are mostly warm and humid. But despite its name, it's one that you should pay attention to if you live in a region that it can grow in. Let's examine why this perennial plant is a must-have for your landscape.  Sensitive Fern Is Stunning in Greater Numbers This plant looks good, but it produces a lush, green, thick spectacle that quickly adds more to any space when you plant multiple perennials together. The lobed leaves blend and reach up and out at a maximum height of about two feet. If you want to add some volume and life to spaces that need it most, consider adding several plants to your landscape. They may even spread naturally with time. Sensitive Fern Acts As a Home for Wildlife These plants grow in areas where wildlife flourishes, meaning they play an essential role in the ecosystem. Speaking of its more practical uses, small animals like frogs and salamanders will use the leaves of this plant to take cover and escape from the heat. If you're looking for plants that are friends with and attractors of wildlife, this one will be an excellent fit for your space. Sensitive Fern also serves as a source for animals and insects, so you won't have to worry about the wildlife population in your area decimating your plants before you can enjoy them. It is both deer—and rabbit-resistant, with larger animals only taking a few leaves or avoiding them entirely. This ensures that your plants still contribute positively to the environment but aren't at risk of being wiped out by animals. Sensitive Fern Is A Stunning Border Plant Groundcover like Sensitive Fern is the perfect solution where more common plants cannot grow. Adding height and color to more moist and humid areas of your property, these perennials take root and help your property look less bare, supporting the areas in your yard that need it most.

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Thelypteris noveboracensis - TN Nursery

New York Fern

The New York Fern is a native, deciduous species with delicate, lacy fronds and a distinctive appearance, commonly found in Eastern North American woodlands. These medium-sized ferns offer a delightful display of yellow-green fronds that carpet the forest floor. The fern has a delicate blade shape with a triangular leaf structure. The plant's blade is most comprehensive in the middle and tapers sharply at both ends. The New York Fern is a type of plant that grows well throughout the eastern part of North America, and it's found in large numbers throughout New York. This perennial is what you need to fill specific spaces in your yard that would benefit from greenery but might not be as friendly towards some of the flowers that currently occupy your space. Let's see why this plant might fit your current landscape well. New York Fern Reduces Soil Erosion and Weed Growth The fern is typically used as ground cover in areas where grass and other plants don't do as well. As a result, filling these spaces comes with some benefits. First, this plant takes root to prevent soil erosion in areas where soil isn't being kept in place by root systems. As an added benefit, the growth of this lush green plant throughout your yard makes it difficult for weeds to take root, preventing unwanted weed growth. New York Ferns Absorbs Airborne Pollutants These plants are adept at capturing pollutants from the air, making it easier for you to breathe and enjoy your outdoor space. If you're constantly bothered by dust or pollen, consider adding this plant to your landscape and others known to improve air quality. Add Bio-Diversity To Your Garden With The New York Ferns Biodiversity is essential on any property, and you'll find that this plant is a friend to local wildlife. For example, this ground cover is known to serve as an excellent cover for certain animals like toads. The better news? It's not a plant typically sought after by larger animals like deer, which means it will cover other animals until the cold weather comes in. New York Fern is a fast-growing plant that will quickly establish itself in your space, and trailing rhizomes will constantly be shooting up additional fronds that provide an even thicker look to your space. If you're looking for something hard to ruin and will start thriving in specific spaces almost immediately, this is the ground cover to go with.

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