Caring For Perennials Throughout The Seasons

Caring for perennials throughout the seasons is essential to ensure their health and longevity

Here's a guide to help you care for perennials throughout the year:

Spring: Clear debris: Begin by removing dead leaves and twigs that may have accumulated around the plants during winter. It helps prevent pests and diseases.

Pruning: Prune any damaged or dead stems to encourage new growth. Cut back any overgrown perennials to maintain their shape and size.

Divide and transplant: Spring is an excellent time to divide overcrowded perennials. Dig up the clumps, separate them into smaller sections, and replant them in well-prepared soil.

Weed control: Stay vigilant about removing weeds, as they compete for nutrients and water with your perennials. Regular weeding prevents them from taking over your garden.

Fertilize: Apply a slow-release, balanced fertilizer around the base of the perennials. Follow the instructions for proper application rates.

Ensure your perennials receive adequate water, especially during hot and dry spells

Water frequently to encourage profound root growth. Water in the morning to minimize evaporation and reduce the risk of fungal diseases.

Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, wood chips, and shredded bark around the plants. Deadheading: Remove spent flowers regularly to promote blooming and prevent the plants from putting energy into seed production.

Staking: Tall or floppy perennials may require staking to prevent them from falling over or being damaged by heavy rain or wind. Use bamboo stakes or other supports to prop them up.

Pest and disease control: Monitor your perennials for signs of pests or diseases. If you notice any problems, take appropriate measures, such as using organic insecticides or disease control methods. If you are looking for plants that are pest resistant plant native-like Lily Of The Valley, Bloodroot, and Wood Poppy.

Fall: Clean up: Remove any dead foliage and debris from the garden to prevent the buildup of disease pathogens and pests over winter. Cutting back: Cut back the stems of herbaceous perennials to a few inches above the ground after they have bloomed. It promotes tidiness and prevents diseases from overwintering in plant debris.

Mulching: Apply a thicker layer of mulch in the fall to insulate the soil and protect the roots from freezing temperatures.

Divide and transplant: Fall is another suitable time to divide and transplant perennials. Be sure to complete this task well before the first frost to allow the plants to establish themselves.

Winter: Protecting from frost: If you live in an area with harsh winters, consider protecting less hardy perennials by covering them with a layer of straw, evergreen boughs, or a frost blanket. It helps insulate the plants from freezing temperatures and frost heave.

Avoid overwatering: Reduce watering in winter, as plants are dormant and require less moisture. However, continue to monitor soil moisture levels and provide water if there are prolonged dry periods.

Planning and preparation: Winter is an excellent time to plan for the growing season. Research new perennials, draw up garden plans, and order seeds or plants for spring planting.

Remember, care requirements may vary depending on the type of perennials you have in your garden

It's essential to research the specific needs of each plant to provide the best care throughout the seasons.

Bamboo Plant (Buy 1 Get 1)

Bamboo Plant (Buy 1 Get 1)

Running Bamboo is a versatile and fast-growing species that offers many benefits when incorporated into landscaping projects. Its unique characteristics and practical attributes make it popular for enhancing outdoor spaces with aesthetic and functional advantages. It is a shrub that will grow outwards almost as quickly as upwards. Although primarily an ornamental species, it does serve several purposes within a given landscape. Let's take a closer look at what this Bamboo Plant looks like and why you'll want to have it on your property. Why Choose a Bamboo Plant  Bamboo Plant, usually referred to as the world's most fantastic plant, is one of the most versatile plants that can grace your garden. This fast-growing plant is known for its countless environmental benefits, including reforestation, carbon sequestration, soil conservation, and more. Compared to a group of trees, a bamboo grove releases almost 35% more oxygen and quickly dismisses carbon dioxide, improving the overall air quality in and around your house.  Despite its reputation for turning a garden into a jungle, the plant can grow in small and confined spaces, making it a unique yet stunning addition to your residential landscape. If you've decided to buy bamboo plants for your backyard, you're actively saving the planet and giving your garden a distinctive look.  Features of a Bamboo Plant Bamboo plants can grow up to 30% faster than usual hardwood plants. Many species can grow 36 inches in a single day. A typical bamboo plant can reach its full maturity in a single growing period, which lasts about 3-4 months.  The bamboo tree's root system is a natural filter that produces clean and drinkable water. The taste is somewhat sweet, with a floral scent that can be compared to coconut water.  Bamboo Is A Very Strong Plant Bamboo is considered to have the strength of steel and the hardness of oak. This is one reason it can replace plastics, paper, and wood in many industries. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance plant that can nicely fit into your small garden space, you can get bamboo plant for sale from TN Nursery. When ordering your bamboo plant online, check out Hosta and English Ivy, which go well with a bamboo plant for any garden space.

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Lily Of The Valley - TN Nursery

Lily Of The Valley

Lily Of The Valley is a delicate perennial plant with nodding, bell-shaped white flowers and fragrant, sword-shaped leaves. It creates a charming ground cover in shaded garden areas and offers various benefits when integrated into landscaping designs. Its graceful appearance, sweet fragrance, adaptability, and contributions to outdoor spaces' visual and sensory aspects make it a prized addition to gardens. Lily Of The Valley is a classic. It is associated with purity, virtue, humility, and compassion. The proper scientific name is Convallaria majalishe, and the plant is related to good fortune, joy, hopefulness, happiness, prosperity, and blessings. The herbaceous perennials begin to bloom in mid-May and continue to maintain a delightfully fragrant display until summer officially arrives in mid-June. With its exquisitely tiny bell-shaped, ornamental flowers, the shrub has a low-key and understated beauty. Rather than a profuse explosion of showy blossoms, these plants have a quietly powerful presence. They can grow almost anywhere, whether in a valley or not. Slim curving stems give expression to glossy, deep green leaves that gently cradle sweet clusters of delicate, refined flowers. Each bell-shaped blossom hangs from a stem like a precious ornament, while the captivating scent delights the senses. The Symbolic Significance Of Lily Of The Valley They are associated with May Day. They symbolize a beautiful awakening after a long winter of darkness and hardship. The airy little flowers refresh the weary soul and promise a return to happiness and new hope. When the pretty white bells burst into view, they remind us that warm summers always follow dark winters with their alluring fragrance. Lily Of The Valley Is Used In Perfumes  When the alluring fragrance of them was converted to perfume and cologne in 1954, it inspired a line of products. Then, in 1956, Dior marketed it under the name Diorissimo. It was an instant hit for men and women alike. The lily was Dior's favorite flower and his lucky charm. The Unique Attributes Of Lily Of The Valley Lily Of The Valley can produce a thick carpet of ground cover while filling the air with a captivating scent. The deep green leaves make fabulous bouquets and cut flowers. With their curving stems, the plants can produce up to 12 tiny flowers with up to six tiny petals. The clusters are often included in bridal bouquets. Some bouquets consist entirely of them. The engaging blooms make a lovely statement when used to adorn wrapped gifts for weddings and showers.

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Bloodroot Plant - TN Nursery

Bloodroot Plant

Bloodroot has spring blossoms, attracts pollinators, requires little maintenance, and is historically significant, making it a natural beauty in gardens and landscapes. It is a stunning native perennial that offers several benefits when incorporated into landscaping. Its unique characteristics and ecological value make it an attractive addition to gardens and natural areas. It is an herbaceous perennial native to the eastern part of North America. It is the only species in its genus and is part of the poppy family. Often seen brightening up woodlands and on the banks of peaceful streams, it has many nicknames, including bloodwort and red puccoon. Why Choose The Bloodroot Plant  Bloodroot Plant (Sanguinaria canadensis) is a member of the Poppy Family (Papaveraceae) known for its striking white flowers with a vibrant yellow center. The plant acquired its name from the blood-like reddish-orange sap that exudes from its roots and stems when cut. Many Native American groups use its roots for medicinal purposes and to make dye.  It grows abundantly in the rich woodlands of Florida, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Alabama, and the eastern region. What's interesting about this wildflower plant is that it stays closed and clustered until it gets sunlight. Once it receives sunlight, it flaunts its bold yellow center and lush foliage.  Bloodroot is one of the first plants to bloom from late February to early April. However, its blooming period lasts only about 14 days. So, if you are passionate about gardening, adding one to your landscaping will create a striking sight that is hard to beat.  Features of Bloodroot Plant  Bloodroot plants can grow in full sun, but they best thrive in moist, acidic, well-drained soils in partially to fully shaded gardens where they can receive at least four hours of sunlight. If growing conditions are ideal, the plants will form large colonies.  Bloodroot plants thrive in U.S.D.A. hardiness zones 3 – 8, making them ideal for growing in almost any environment. In the best conditions, it can grow up to 10 inches in height and 8 inches in width.  Bloodroot Plant's Benefits  The plant is ideal for low-maintenance garden settings as it is effortless to grow and demands minimal upkeep. However, you must check and occasionally ensure the soil's moisture is perfect. You also want to make sure the plant grows within the intended. TN Nursery has a bloodroot plant for sale and other plants that grow well, including Virginia Bluebell, Merrybells, and Carex.

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Wood Poppy - TN Nursery

Wood Poppy

Wood Poppy has deeply lobed, blue-green foliage that forms an attractive ground cover that adds texture and interest to the landscape even when the plant is not blooming. It bursts into a profusion of cheerful yellow flowers with four petals in early spring, creating a picturesque display that enlivens the garden. These vibrant blooms contrast the fresh green leaves, creating a focal point in any garden design. The wood poppy is native to the eastern part of the United States and Ontario, Canada. However, it's endangered in Canada due to habitat loss. It's officially known as Stylophorum Diphyllum. Gardeners commonly refer to it as the yellowwood or celandine, and it's part of the Papaveraceae family. This wildflower is frequently found in forests, rivers, streams, and ravines. History buffs may be pleased to know that American Indians once used the yellow sap as a clothing dye. Prized Features of the Wood Poppy The Stylophorum Diphyllum is loved for its yellow to orange four-petaled flowers. It can reach heights of 18 inches, and the flowers can grow to two inches across. The leaves of this brilliantly-colored wildflower are green or gray-green, and they contain lobed leaves that can get up to six inches. Gardeners can expect this flower to bloom from March to May. The Stylophorum Diphyllum thrives in areas that mimic its natural habitat. This means it does well in shade gardens, native regions being rewilded, water features, available shade, and wooded areas. Gardeners can even plant it under and around tall shade trees and shrubs to help brighten the area. Wildlife Seen Around the Wood Poppy The seeds of Stylophorum Diphyllum primarily attract chipmunks. However, the pollen in the flowers has been known to attract various bees. Ideal Companion Plants For Wood Poppy The Stylophorum Diphyllum does well around other wildflowers, trees, shrubs, and ornamental grasses. Some ideal companion plants include bleeding hearts, foamflowers, wild ginger, hostas, columbines, and spiderworts. Gardeners can also pair it with ostrich ferns, Virginia bluebells, wild geraniums, and the woodland phlox. Gardeners can enjoy Wood Poppy anywhere in their yards. However, they may find it looks best under and around trees and shrubs and as part of a wildflower or native plant garden. It can also be planted alongside shaded paths to help define the walkway.

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