Affordable Bulk Wholesale Flowers |

This year, use our wholesale flowers to beautify an eco-friendly "upcycled" flower garden. 

Re-use junk items such as tires, old wooden barrels, cans, containers, wheelbarrows, or boxes. There are lots of great ideas if you check online Pinterest boards. Create an element of surprise in an old bucket, sink, or bathtub. Plant some daisies in an old boot. The possibilities are endless. Iris Versicolor

Flowers are lovely centerpieces and can also be used near swampy areas or insight where you need to plant a lovely perennial without spending a lot of money. 

Vines like Virginia Creeper and Halls Honeysuckle are perfect to plant in old tires.

Source of Wholesale Flowers for Upcycled Gardens

Virginia Creeper - TN Nursery

Virginia Creeper

Virginia Creeper plant is a vining favorite known for its striking five-lobed leaves and ability to climb and cover walls and structures, turning vibrant shades of red in the fall. It is a versatile and attractive plant with numerous benefits when incorporated into landscaping projects. It has become famous for enhancing outdoor spaces with its vibrancy.  Virginia Creeper is part of the grape family. It gains its name from one of the native areas where it grows. It is a deciduous climber that can extend and climb a trellis well in the wild. The Leaves Of Virginia Creeper Typically, five leaflets combine to make up each set of leaves. Occasionally, however, it can be found with three or seven leaflets. Either way, they're joined on the leafstalk's central point and grow from one to eight inches. They have a bright green appearance in summer, then turn into brilliant shades of red and purple in autumn. Each leaflet has a toothed margin, and the seedlings come with heart-shaped leaves. Late spring brings with it inconspicuous flower clusters. They brighten this plant with their greenish, small appearance. However, they only become more noticeable once they turn into berries. The Berries Of The Virginia Creeper Berries grow on it in the late summer or early fall. These complex, small berries are purplish-black and typically don't get larger than 1/4 inch in diameter. Although the berries are not meant for humans, they offer an excellent food source to birds. In fact, due to the long lifespan of the berries, they become a vital source of winter food for a wide array of birds. Virginia Creeper Will Climb As Tall As You Want While it's true that Virginia Creeper can grow to astronomical heights in the wild, that's not going to happen when you plant them around your home. Instead, their growth rate is limited by the structure that they're given to grow on. In other words, if you want them to grow up to only three feet, give them something three feet tall to climb. On the other hand, if you want them to soar up to 40 feet, you'll need to provide them with something that tall to climb. This height control method is a fantastic way to end up with them that do precisely what you want them to do. Something that helps set creepers apart is that they will not damage your building. Therefore, these deciduous climbers will work great in your yard.

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