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8 Best Selling Plants at TN Nursery

Best Selling Plants

At Tn Nursery, we got you covered! We have created some great new categories for those needing relief and help from mosquitoes to attract hummingbirds and butterflies to those beautiful bloomers.

Plant in these categories is our best selling plants. Our nursery has got you covered for all these great plants, from mosquito repellent plants to Christmas trees. Enjoy Landscaping with Blooming Plants

When you design your landscape, you're probably thinking in terms of hedges, fern plants, ground cover, and trees. What about adding blooming plants? They can add to your garden in many ways.

Add Color and Fragrance

The wide variety of colors available means that you can create the kind of garden you dream of. Use color to layout an elegant, sophisticated design made up of all-white flowers or flowers in varying shades of blue. You can also go the other way and be colorful. Use a mix of colors to create an informal, cottage-style garden.

Flowers add a lovely fragrance to your garden. Plant flowers that bloom in the morning, like morning glories. Those that thrive in the evening like moon-flowers. You'll always have fragrance and color.

Attract Butterflies and Birds

Bright, colorful flowers draw butterflies, hummingbirds, and songbirds. Adding feeders and birdbaths ensures that they'll keep coming back. Flowers help you add song and color.

Keep Your Bees Happy With Perennials

Bees in your garden are a sign of blooming flowers. Keep your bees happy as they pollinate your flowers. Bees and birds help spread your flower seeds.

Always Have Cut Flowers

If you love flower arrangements, you can have one whenever you like just by going into your garden. When you cut flowers, it encourages them to make more flowers. That's a definite win-win. You can go out and get your lovely bouquet every day. Native grasses also work well with flowers.

Preserve Wildflowers

Wildflowers are essential to the ecosystem. They're also an excellent way to add a low-maintenance splash of color to your garden. Look for wildflowers that are native to your zone. Your wildflower patch is a gift to nature and yourself.

Order Your Blooming Plants Here

Our beautiful, blooming plants are shipped to you like strong, healthy bare roots. They arrive in protective packaging; They're ready to thrive in your garden. Native grasses are the best-selling selection. Moss is also is an excellent shade thriving plant.

25 Colorful Wildflowers - Mixture Selected For Your Zone - TN Nursery

25 Colorful Wildflowers - Mixture Selected For Your Zone

With our exquisite selection of wildflower plants, enter a world of untouched beauty and wonder. These beautiful plants can transform your garden into a vibrant tapestry of colors and textures, creating a haven for pollinators, wildlife, and yourself. Bring nature a little closer with colorful wildflowers. Perfect for cozy cottages and professional landscapers, this blend of plants is ready to stand out. 25 Colorful Wildflowers for Low Maintenance Gardens This assortment showcases the endless energy of nature in a convenient package. The more, the merrier, and this collection takes the headache out of picking and buying individual plants. These gorgeous flowers are ready to boost your creative vision for a knock-out display and beautiful bouquets. Landscaping Benefits  A mix of different plants keeps maintenance simple through the growing season. Since all 25 species won’t bloom at the same time, one planting can create a wave of alternating colors that don’t require frequent replacement over the spring and summer. This helps prevent bare patches or drab beds professionals may need to fill with other plants.  Easy Cottage Gardening Favorites While these flowers look beautiful in formal gardens, few plants fit the popular cottage core aesthetic like the mix in this package. The vibrant range introduces whimsy and charm to any outdoor space, whether that’s formal beds, large planters, or informal plots. This is a wonderful option for new enthusiasts or experienced gardeners seeking exuberant variety to bring their cottage core dreams to life. Extra Benefits  These blooms are perfect for the gardener who wants more guests to visit. Not only do the flowers create a warm and welcoming environment for human visitors, but they are fantastic draws for pollinators. A wildflower bed is one of the best ways to entice nature a little closer to home. This collection may help support local bees, and butterflies enjoy them, too. As the flowers turn to seeds, you may want to take up bird watching. Dedicated birding enthusiasts can take advantage of this pack by pairing it with other bird-friendly features like a birdbath to encourage more traffic. Plant near a window for the best views. Celebrate with colors, and add a touch of the wild to this year’s garden design. This mix takes the guesswork out of selection; its variety keeps things interesting, and there’s nothing as classic as a fragrant collection of nature’s favorites.

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