Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Reviews - Jon Aikens - TN Nursery

Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Reviews - Jon Aikens

TN Nursery Reviews - From Real Customers

I am a very pleased customer. I bought your end-of-season landscaping package, and I was delighted with my purchase. Not only did I turn around a good profit, but I also sold more plants I had in stock that weren't selling. I also purchased a fern and perennial package, and my wife has mowed down most of my Virginia bluebells, but they sure were pretty when they bloomed earlier in April. I am happy with your selection; all my plants thrived this year.

Jon Aikens, South Carolina

TN Nursery Reviews Top Specialty Products That Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Sells Online at Their Mail Order Nursery

Willow Oak Tree Seedlings

Willow Oak Tree Seedlings - Quercus Phellos. This handsome red oak tree variety is known for its long, spear-shaped, willowy leaves. They turn darker green in the summer and shades of orange, red, and brown in the fall season. Like other oak trees, the Willow Oak Tree yields acorns that will feed a large variety of wildlife, supporting the local ecosystem. The attractive foliage of the Willow Oak Tree allows for a softer appearance than other oak varieties. The foliage provides excellent shade at a medium growth rate and reaches an average height of 40-60 feet but can grow up to 100 feet in ideal conditions. It has a spread of 30-40 feet. It can be expected to grow anywhere from 13-24 inches annually. The Willow Oak Tree is best suited to hardiness zones 5-9. Willow Oak Tree Seedlings transport easily compared to other Oak varieties due to their fibrous root system. It tolerates poorly drained soil well, although well-drained, acidic, loamy soil is ideal. This low-maintenance tree is also resistant to pollution and drought, with no serious threats from disease or pests. It will thrive in full sunlight but can tolerate some shade. Its fast growth rate and hardiness make it an ideal ornamental tree around parks, residential drives, golf courses, shopping centers, and homes. Willow Oak Tree Seedlings should be planted with enough space around them, so their branches have room to spread. Willow Oak Tree pruning is pretty simple compared to other oak varieties. They tend to grow tall and upright, limiting the necessity to trim to limit the tree's spread. The home gardener can accomplish pruning to raise the canopy height for shade. When the leaves fall in fall, their small size allows for a tidier appearance than larger leaf varieties. Fall is the ideal time to plant Willow Oak Tree seedlings.

Willow Oak Tree

Willow Oak - Quercus phellos.Commonly known as a "handsome tree," the willow oak is a member of the mighty oak family and stands out with its willow-like leaves. In the spring, its spear-shaped foliage appears with a light green color; in the summer, the foliage becomes dark green before turning shades of yellow and red in the fall. It is often found along streams and growing on lowland floodplains. Willow oak grows in Hardiness Zones 5-9. It's a shade tree and an ornamental tree, featuring a spreading canopy that blocks sunlight while adding visual interest to the landscaping. Because of its stunningly noticeable appearance, size, and relatively fast growth, the willow oak is often seen planted along streets and in parks and golf courses. Its height at maturity is around 40-60 feet, and it has a spread of 30-40 feet. The willow oak's medium growth rate gives it a yearly height increase of 13 to 24 inches. The willow oak's soil preference is acidic, wet, and clay soils. It tolerates poorly drained soil and is easier to transplant than most oaks. The spear-shaped leaves of the willow oak are up to 5 inches long and have a tiny bristle at the tip. In its youth, the willow oak grows pyramidal, and in maturity, it's in a rounded shape. The willow oak produces acorns that serve as a food preference for squirrels, quail, and whitetail deer. The great color, fast growth, and beautiful leaves make the willow oak an incredible sight and a famous tree for horticulture planting. These trees are massively planted in the U.S. South (in Atlanta and Washington, D.C.)and can be found along roads and featured at malls.

: Wild Strawberry

I'm writing an article about the wild strawberry. This fruit is very different from the strawberries that are sold in stores. Store brought strawberries to come in little green plastic containers, as we see most times. Wild strawberries started as white before turning into the red color we know them to be. They were said to be nothing but a pile of weed, as most people thought. Most fruits were either grown in trees or bushes. Wild strawberries are grown exactly like blackberries and raspberries are grown, except they're in a cluster. I always eat strawberries as a child with plenty of sugar on top. These exotic berries are seen between spring and summer. These fruits lasted only two months a year. Have you ever thought of where your strawberries come from? These strawberries are smaller than the ones that you eat daily. Most products have the name "wild strawberry" on them, like air fresheners, for starters. They're not only used as food, but strawberries are often made into scents for household products.

There are many kinds of strawberries to find out throughout the world today. These fruits are very delicate and must be protected during cold and hot weather. Men, women, and children love these fruits. Most couples would use strawberries to feed each other with whipped cream. Many people put strawberries in their cereals or even eat them as it is. Most snacks have strawberries in them. Strawberries are mostly part of a fruit salad. It is one of the many fruits with seeds outside than the inside (bananas, watermelon, grapes, etc.). What I like about strawberries is that they can be eaten in one to three bites. Most people would put them in sealed containers to preserve them for a late-night snack.


When Lyndon Johnson became President in 1963, his wife Lady Bird started a project to clean up Washington, D.C., and fill it with wildflowers. Lady Bird had worked on similar projects in Texas for many years. She believed these "pretty wild things" inspired hope and relieved stress. Working with existing conservation projects, she turned Washington into a sparkling, colorful gem of a city. Her national beautification plan eliminated the barrage of advertising billboards and junkyards on interstate highways, replacing them with trees, wildflower perennials, and bushes. These not only make traveling more enjoyable but help to prevent erosion. Lady Bird's belief that flowers are soothing to the mind and body has been proven by numerous medical studies. Flowers stimulate memory and act as natural mood elevators. They help to lower blood pressure, relieve anxiety, and even reduce pain. Living plants in containers are better than bouquets of cut flowers. They purify the air and stimulate creativity. Hospitals and nursing homes should have gardens and arboretums. Rooftops and community gardens in cities should always include flowers. Wildflower perennials are a graceful enhancement to any garden or yard. They attract pollinating insects and provide an environment for butterflies and songbirds.

Planting native wildflowers helps prevent the spread of invasive species and promotes biodiversity. They're low-maintenance, using less water and fertilizer than non-natives. Begin by learning which wildflowers are native to your region and will grow best in the kind of soil you have. Visit botanical gardens and consult your local agricultural extension office. The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is an excellent source of information. Wildflower varieties need to be planted in the spring or summer, others in the fall after the first hard frost—most like full direct sun. Don't just buy wildflower seed mixes at the hardware store because you'll often get non-native varieties. Work with a local nursery for your wildflower seeds. Many people plant wildflower perennials in borders or stands, but you can also cover the entire yard, creating an idyllic "wild" look and eliminating arduous lawn care. Fertilizer is usually unnecessary, but if you want some, get a natural type such as wormcast and use it sparingly. Till and rake your soil first, clearing out grass and rocks. Wildflower seeds should be planted no more than an inch or so deep. Scatter the seeds evenly, then walk on them. Water lightly once a day for several weeks, then as the flowers come up, let natural rainfall take over.

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