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Tips to Make Gardening Fun

There are now even computer games to sit down and design your landscape in your yard on your computer.

The programs are made to draw in your current house, deck, driveway, etc., and then design your flower beds around where you want them so you can see what they will look like.

You can visualize what you want, all at the tips of your fingertips.

If you don’t like what it looks like, erase it and draw it again. Landscaping and yard work can be fun and exciting all at the same time, and you are even working while you do it and don’t even realize it.

You can also look at yard work as exercise, raking, plowing, digging, planting, and walking around. You are burning calories while making your yard look great at the same time. So next time you need to work on your yard, look at it differently. It is much more exciting that way.

Source of Ideas for Making Gardening Fun


TN Nurseries best selling perennials

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Daffodil Plant - TN Nursery

Daffodil Plant

The Daffodil Plant is a Spring-blooming, trumpet-shaped flower characterized by its vibrant yellow or white petals and central trumpet-like corona, adding a burst of color to gardens and landscapes. Their vibrant colors, from sunny yellows to pastel lemon, create striking visual displays that brighten any outdoor area. Daffodil Plant Daffodils are famous for being yellow, but there are all kinds of other colors, as well, including white, orange, and even pink. They also feature varieties with more than one of these colors. Therefore, they can form a splendid and colorful swash throughout any garden. This Perennial Is an Ancient Flower They have adorned gardens for thousands of years. Indeed, the Greek name is Narcissus. Currently, it's the national flower of Wales. They've been harbingers of the coming of spring throughout their existence, and because they're perennials, each individual plant does the same for many years throughout its life cycle. As long-lasting blooms, they'll anchor your garden all the way through spring and into the summer, drawing people's gaze to their grace and beauty. TN Nursery's Blooming Trumpet Before they bloom, the trumpet of the mature bloom is covered in a waxy shell called a spathe. The spathe is delicate and reflects the full spectrum of light when covered in morning dew. Not every daffodil forms a trumpet, however. They form two kinds of cups: charming double blooms and what's known as the jonquil, which is a wonderful two-toned bloom. Generally, there are two kinds of jonquils: one with mostly white petals and yellow accents and one that's the opposite. Such flowers that sport two exquisite colors can act as a transition between sections of the garden. Other Characteristics Of The Plant They can grow almost to 3 feet tall and a foot wide. Their mature leaves are tall and straight and only droop toward the end of the growing season at the beginning of August. They last more than a month through the heart of the summer, lending their multicolored cheek to any garden. Because they thrive in containers as much as in the open, they're a terrific accent for window sills, porches, patios, and decks, bringing their polychromatic cheeriness to every part of not just the garden but also the whole property. Partners for This Plant The bright yellow of the plant pairs very well with other denizens of the garden, including the Northern Blue Star with its deep blue and indigo blooms and the vibrant red of roses or dahlias. The color palette is nearly endless when considering them fresh, with fabulous flexibility.

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