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Native Plant Environmental Benefits

Native Wild Plants, Many Species, and Lots of Uses

TN Nurseries best selling Wild flower perennials

Water willow


Blood Root


Tiger Lily

As their name suggests, native wild plants also contain wetlands. They do best in wet soil or soil that’s topped with an inch or two of water. They are excellent plants at the margins of garden water features such as ponds, waterfalls, and fountains. Wetland plants also rescue those spots in the garden that are perpetually wet and where little else can grow.



Cattails are famous for the cigar shape and color of the female flowers found just below the tiny male flowers. This structure can be as long as a foot and 2 inches thick. The resulting seeds are attached to fluff blown away by the wind. The plant is 5 to 10 feet tall, has broad, 2-inch wide leaves, and can grow in fresh or brackish water. Much of the plant is edible.

Creeping Jenny

This wetland plant is prostrate but multiplies. The result is a spread of over 30 feet. The plant has small round leaves and bright yellow blooms that arrive in the summer; It has good fall color, for the leaves turn a lovely burgundy. It's a plant that's just right for a wet space in the garden, though the soil should be rich. It prefers full sun but also does well in partial shade.

Umbrella Palm

The umbrella palm is not a palm but a sedge. It's grown for its fan-shaped foliage. It grows from 4 to 6 feet high in warmer parts of the country and needs to be protected in cooler climates. Umbrella palm does best in full sun to partial shade and likes acidic or mildly acidic loamy or clay soil.

Pickerel Weed

Grown for its spike of pretty violet flowers that arrive in early summer till fall, this tough plant is easy to take care of. Besides the flowers, the plant has gracefully arching stems and glossy, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. The plant grows between 24 to 30 inches tall. The leaves float attractively on the water, and the flowers rise above them. The leaves also provide enough shade to deter algae's overgrowth and shelter for pond fish.

Water Clover

The leaves of the water clover look very much like the leaves of the clover found on lawns, but they float. Water clover multiplies and does best in full sun to part shade in wet soil or a body of water 3 feet deep or less.

Marsh Marigold

The marsh marigold's dark green leaves contrast with its yellow, buttercup-like flowers. Indeed, it is not a marigold at all but is related to the buttercup. It grows to between 1 and 1.5 feet tall and has an equal spread. The flower arrives in April, and the plant continues to bloom through June. Though the color of the flowers is brighter in full sun, the plant also thrives in partial shade. Plant it in a bog or the shallow water at the pond's edge.

Wetland plants add beauty and softness to a water feature that may be a bit too severe without them. They also provide food and shelter for pond life.






10 Water Garden Plants - TN Nursery

10 Water Garden Plants

Explore the wonders of water-loving types with TN Nursery's 10-pack of water garden plants. This package includes a variety of plants intended to help you discover how beneficial and appealing they can be. As always, when you shop at TN Nursery, your flowers are protected for a year under our 100% guarantee. We also offer affordable prices on our pack with our grower direct pricing. What are 10 Water Garden Plants? 10 Water Garden Plants is unique in that it includes vegetation that grows primarily or exclusively on ponds or creeks. It can include flowers and other types of vegetation that function as individual ecosystems. They do not sprout roots like other types of vegetation and instead provide their own nutrients to grow and blossom. Gardeners do not have to plant them as seeds in dirt and wait for them to sprout and grow as other types of vegetation do. What Do 10 Water Garden Plants Look Like? At first glance, you normally cannot tell the difference between them and other vegetation that may grow in your yard. However, they float on top of ponds, lakes, and other similar surfaces. They do not grow roots and stay firmly planted in the dirt. They also come in all sorts of colors, ranging from white to yellow and purple. They can become vibrant parts of a property on which they are included and make for unique and interesting showpieces. What are the Benefits of 10 Water Garden Plants They offer a variety of benefits to properties on which they are included. For one, they add bright colors and a unique look to landscaping. People who visit the property may stop and take in their beauty right away. Further, they also stabilize and add to the biodiversity of gardens and lawns in which they are added. They attract pollinators like bees and hummingbirds. They also can help filter and clean ponds, lakes, and other types of environments in which they grow. Finally, they are relatively easy to maintain. They essentially take care of themselves and provide their own sources of nutrients. They often do not require special care or upkeep. Where to Find 10 Water Garden Plants You can find them for sale in businesses like greenhouses and nurseries that sell specialized vegetation. You can also find them in local hardware stores and big box retailers that have their own lawn care departments. An easier option could be to order them online and have them delivered to your home. You may get a higher level of quality and more selections when you browse online and purchase some for your property.

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25 Colorful Wildflowers - Mixture Selected For Your Zone - TN Nursery

25 Colorful Wildflowers - Mixture Selected For Your Zone

Wildflowers Package- Get a mixture of the most popular mature wildflower plants With our exquisite selection of wildflower plants, enter a world of untouched beauty and wonder. These beautiful plants can transform your garden into a vibrant tapestry of colors and textures, creating a haven for pollinators, wildlife, and yourself. PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE A COLLECTION OF PLANTS, NOT SPECIFIC PLANT TYPES. WE CHOOSE TYPES THAT WORK BEST FOR YOUR ZONE ACCORDING TO YOUR ZIP CODEEach of our wildflower plants is carefully selected to provide a stunning array of blooms that will delight your senses throughout the seasons. From the delicate petals of daisies to the bold hues of poppies and the graceful elegance of lupines, our collection offers a diverse range of species that will bring your garden to life with their natural charm.By planting these native species, you contribute to biodiversity conservation, providing essential habitats for pollinators and supporting the overall health of our ecosystems. These wildflower plants are a vital link in the intricate web of life, ensuring the survival of many species. One of the remarkable features of wildflower plants is their ability to attract pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. As these beautiful creatures flit from flower to flower, they bring joy to your garden and play a crucial role in pollinating other plants, including food crops.Our wildflower plants are grown with care and expertise, ensuring you receive healthy and robust specimens ready to flourish in your garden. They are nurtured optimally to promote robust root systems and vigorous growth. We take pride in providing well-established plants that acclimate to the local climate, ensuring a higher success rate in your garden. Wildflowers can be planted in beds, borders, containers, or designated wildflower meadows. With their adaptability and versatility, you can design a garden that suits your style and preferences, whether a formal arrangement or a more naturalistic, wild-inspired landscape. We use eco-friendly materials and strive to minimize our environmental footprint. Our plants are carefully packaged to ensure their safe arrival at your doorstep, ready to be planted and admired.Experience the joy of connecting with nature and witnessing the magic of wildflowers in your garden. Our wildflower plants offer not only a visual delight but also the opportunity to make a positive impact on the environment. Embrace the splendor of nature and create a sanctuary for wildlife, a haven of serenity, and a canvas for your creativity with our extraordinary collection of wildflower plants.With each wildflower plant you add to your garden, you become part of a movement to preserve our natural heritage and protect the delicate balance of our ecosystems. Let the enchantment of wildflowers fill your outdoor space, and let their beauty inspire you to cultivate a deeper connection with the wonders of the natural world.10 Benefits of Wildflower Plants: Nurturing Nature's BeautyWildflower plants are a true gift from nature, offering many benefits for our environment, wildlife, and well-being. Wildflowers hold a special place in our hearts and gardens, from their captivating beauty to their ecological significance. Let's explore ten remarkable benefits of incorporating wildflower plants into your landscape:1. Biodiversity and Habitat Creation: Wildflower plants play a crucial role in supporting biodiversity by providing habitats for various insects, birds, and other wildlife. They attract pollinators such as Honeybees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, promoting the reproduction of plants and ensuring the health of ecosystems.2. Pollinator Support: Many wildflowers have coevolved with pollinators, making them an essential food source for bees and other beneficial insects. By planting wildflowers, you are providing sustenance for these vital pollinators, contributing to the pollination of crops and the overall health of our ecosystems.3. Conservation of Native Species: Wildflowers are often native to specific regions, making them an essential part of the natural heritage of an area. By cultivating native wildflowers, you contribute to the conservation of local plant species and preserve the unique character of your region's flora.4. Erosion Control: Wildflower plants have extensive root systems that help stabilize soil and prevent erosion. Their deep-reaching roots improve soil structure, increase water infiltration, and reduce runoff. Planting wildflowers on slopes, embankments, or areas prone to erosion can significantly mitigate soil loss and protect valuable topsoil.5. Water Conservation: Wildflower plants are adapted to local climates and often require less water than traditional garden plants once established. Their deep roots help them access water stored more profoundly in the soil, reducing the need for frequent watering. You can conserve water and promote sustainable landscaping by incorporating wildflowers into your garden.6. Low Maintenance: Wildflowers are generally low-maintenance plants that require minimal attention once established. They have evolved to thrive in their specific habitats, making them well-adapted to local conditions. Wildflowers often do not require fertilizers or excessive watering, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful garden with less effort and expense.7. Natural Beauty: The sheer beauty of wildflower plants is awe-inspiring. Their diverse colors, shapes, and textures create visually stunning displays that change with the seasons. From delicate daisies and vibrant poppies to graceful lupines and cheerful sunflowers, wildflowers add a touch of natural charm and romance to any landscape.8. Educational Opportunities: Wildflower plants offer excellent educational opportunities for children and adults alike. Observing the life cycle of a wildflower, learning about pollination, or identifying different species can foster a deeper connection with nature and promote environmental stewardship. Growing wildflowers provides an interactive and enriching experience that can inspire a lifelong love of plants and ecosystems.9. Psychological Well-being: Surrounding ourselves with nature has positively affected our mental health and well-being. The vibrant colors, soothing scents, and tranquil atmosphere created by wildflowers can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase happiness and connectedness with the natural world. A wildflower garden becomes a sanctuary for relaxation and contemplation.10. Aesthetically Versatile: Wildflowers are incredibly versatile in their aesthetic applications. They can be incorporated into different garden styles, from meadows and cottage gardens to formal borders and container plantings. Tips and Maintenance for Wildflower Plants: Cultivating Nature's BeautyWildflower plants are a delightful addition to any garden, bringing color, charm, and ecological benefits. To ensure the success and longevity of your wildflower plants, here are some helpful tips and maintenance guidelines to follow:1. Site Selection: Choose a location for your wildflower plants that receives ample sunlight. Most wildflowers require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily to thrive. Ensure the soil is well-draining, as excessive moisture can lead to root rot. Select a site with native soil conditions suitable for the specific wildflower species you are planting.2. Soil Preparation: Prepare the soil before planting by removing weeds, debris, and any unwanted vegetation. Wildflowers generally prefer soil that is moderately fertile and well-draining. If the soil is compacted or lacks organic matter, consider incorporating compost or other organic materials to improve its structure and nutrient content.3. Planting: Follow the instructions provided with your wildflower seeds or plants for the appropriate planting depth and spacing. If starting with seeds, prepare the soil by loosening it, scattering them evenly, and gently pressing them into the ground. Water lightly after planting to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.4. Watering: While wildflower plants are generally drought-tolerant once established, they require regular watering during germination and establishment. Once verified, water only during prolonged dry spells or when the plants show signs of stress.5. Mulching: Applying a layer of organic mulch around your wildflower plants can help conserve moisture, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. Use a thin layer of organic mulch, such as straw or shredded bark, and avoid piling it up against the stems of the plants, as this can promote stem rot.6. Weed Control: Keep an eye out for weeds in your wildflower garden and remove them promptly. Weeds can compete with wildflowers for water, nutrients, and sunlight, hindering their growth and development. 7. Deadheading: Deadheading, or removing spent flowers, can help prolong the blooming period of your wildflower plants. Regularly check for faded or wilted flowers and snip them off just above the nearest set of healthy leaves. Deadheading prevents seed production, allowing the plants to redirect their energy into producing more blooms.8. Fertilization: Wildflower plants usually do not require regular fertilization, as they are adapted to grow in nutrient-deficient soils. However, if the soil is fertile and you follow the manufacturer's instructions, you can use a regulated, slow-release fertilizer. 9. Pest Control: Watch for pest activity on your wildflower plants, such as butterflies or aphid larvae. In many cases, natural predators like ladybugs and birds will help keep pest populations in check. Avoid broad-spectrum pesticides that can harm beneficial insects.10. Enjoy and Observe: Take the time to appreciate and observe the beauty of your wildflower plants. Watch as bees, butterflies, and other pollinators visit the flowers, and note any other wildlife attracted to your garden. In conclusion, wildflower plants offer many benefits beyond their visual appeal.By embracing these beautiful plants, we support biodiversity, provide habitat for wildlife, conserve native species, mitigate erosion, and conserve water. Wildflowers bring joy, education, and a sense of well-being to our lives while offering endless opportunities for creativity in our gardens. Let us celebrate the wonders of wildflowers and nurture the natural beauty surrounding us.Wildflowers Package: T.N. Nursery offers a wildflowers package that includes 25 plants. This package can help our customers move on to "wild scraping" or "rewilding" their landscape. This movement helps people, especially in drought-prone areas, enjoy a picturesque yard filled with easy-care, hardy species of flowers that are ideal for their region. Wildflower gardens can replace large grassy areas, cutting back on water demands. When you select the wildflowers package, you receive 25 plants ideally suited to your U.S.D.A. growing zone. The horticulturists at T.N. Nursery will review your growing zone and hand-curate a selection of the best Wildflower Package that will flourish in your area. For example, a customer in an arid region will receive only drought-tolerant species. On the other hand, a customer in a cooler, rainy area will only receive the right plants. In other words, the wildflowers package removes the worry from you--you are in our capable hands. You will have wildflowers that bloom from spring through the summer with less effort than you can imagine. The Wildflowers Package (25 Plants) Is Available Online at T.N. Nursery Wildflowers are an excellent opportunity to cultivate an undemanding, environmentally friendly garden. Order your wildflowers package today. Healthy Plants for Your Garden.

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