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How to Grow Blueberry Shrubs

Growing Blueberry in Your Garden Can be Truly Rewarding

What can be more rewarding than using your garden-grown blueberries in the kitchen? The blueberry plant produces delicious fruits in berries that are used widely in making jams, jellies, syrups, cakes, etc.

Blueberry is a perennial flowering plant that produces small dark-blue berries. Many varieties of blueberries are available in the market for home gardens and commercial purposes. They are majorly categorized into highbush plants and lowbush plants. You can choose from the many varieties depending upon the soil and climate of the area.

Growing blueberries can be a little challenging as they have specific requirements for healthy growth. They require acidic and well-drained soil along with a sunny location. Soil that is rich in organic matter is best suited for blueberry plants. Avoid planting blueberries near large trees that can overshadow the plant and block sunlight.

Plant the small blueberry plants in late April or early May. Planting the shrub in a big enough hole to accommodate all the roots would be best. Blueberries can last for many years, so taking care of the plant and maintaining it well to yield maximum fruit is advisable. You must remove the blossoms during the first few years to encourage growth. That is essential to strengthen and prepare the plant for the coming years. Removing the flowers will make the roots and stems stronger. You might have to use fertilizers if the plant is not growing correctly. The foliage color indicates that the plant needs additional fertilizers for proper growth.

Take care of plants and cover them with a net when fruits appear, as birds and pests can damage the fruits. Harvest time will benefit you when you pick baskets full of fresh blueberries from your home garden.

Half-ripe blueberries from TN Nursery

Growing and Caring for Blueberries

Blueberries are delicious and highly nutritious fruits that have gained popularity in home gardens and commercial farms. Cultivating blueberry plants can be a rewarding experience, offering fresh, flavorful berries and adding beauty to your garden landscape. 

This guide will delve into the intricacies of growing and caring for blueberry plants, covering everything from selecting suitable cultivars to providing optimal growing conditions and managing common pests and diseases.

Selecting Suitable Blueberry Varieties For Growing Blueberry Plants

Before you start cultivating blueberries, choosing the most suitable varieties that match your climate and preferences is essential. Blueberries are available in different types, including highbush, lowbush, and rabbiteye varieties. Your selection should be based on factors such as your intended use, soil type, and climate.

Highbush varieties are the most common blueberries cultivated in North America. They are ideal for commercial production and fresh consumption. Some popular highbush varieties include 'Bluecrop,' 'Duke,' and 'Northland.' These varieties produce large-sized berries, and they are relatively easy to grow. They require well-draining soils and regular irrigation.

Rabbiteye varieties are commonly grown in the southeastern United States. They flourish in warm and moist climates and are known for their flavorful berries. Some well-known rabbiteye varieties include 'Patriot' and 'Tifblue.' These varieties require acidic soils and regular pruning to maintain their shape and productivity.

Lowbush varieties are small, spreading plants that are ideal for colder climates. They are commonly grown in Maine and Canada and are often used in wild blueberry production. Some of the popular lowbush varieties include 'Wild Blue.' Unlike highbush and rabbiteye varieties, lowbush blueberries require minimal pruning and are typically grown in the wild without irrigation.

Duke Blueberry Bush after the rain

Selecting the appropriate blueberry varieties is crucial in blueberry cultivation. By considering your intended use, soil type, and climate, you can choose the best varieties that will thrive in your region and provide you with a bountiful harvest. 

Site Selection and Preparation

Blueberries flourish in acidic soil with a pH range between 4.5 and 5.5. Therefore, it's essential to test your soil's pH and amend it accordingly before planting. Select a bright site with well-drained soil for optimal growth. Avoid areas prone to waterlogging, as blueberries can easily root rot in poorly drained soils. Clear the planting site of weeds and debris, and include organic soil such as compost or peat moss to enhance soil structure and fertility.

Planting And Growing Blueberry Plants

If you plan to plant blueberry bushes, it is best to do so in either spring or fall. First, dig a spot double as wide and deep as the plant's root ball. This permits the roots to extend out properly and establish a strong foundation for growth. Once the hole is ready, gently loosen the roots and place the blueberry bush in the center of the hole. Ensure that the plant crown sits level with the soil surface and that the roots are well covered by soil.

After planting, it is essential to water the blueberry bush thoroughly to eliminate any air pockets around the roots and settle the soil. This will also help the plant to establish itself faster. It is recommended to space highbush varieties 4 to 6 feet apart and lowbush varieties 2 to 3 feet apart. This ensures proper air circulation and plenty of room for growth.

Try to keep the soil damp but not waterlogged and provide enough sunlight for the blueberry bushes to thrive. With delicate care and watch, you can expect a bountiful yield of delicious and nutritious blueberries in no time!

Watering and Fertilizing Blueberry Plants

Consistent moisture is essential for blueberry plants, especially during the growing season and fruit development. Provide approximately 1 to 2 inches of water weekly through rainfall or irrigation. Mulching with organic materials like pine bark or lumber chips can help keep the soil moist and suppress weeds. Fertilize blueberry bushes annually in early spring with a balanced fertilizer formulated for acid-loving plants. Avoid over-fertilization, as excessive nitrogen can lead to vegetative development at the cost of fruit production.

Pruning and Training Blueberry Plants

Pruning is vital for supporting the health and productivity of blueberry bushes. Clear any dead, damaged, or diseased limbs throughout the year to stop the spread of pests and diseases. Additionally, thin out crowded branches to improve air circulation and light penetration into the canopy. Highbush blueberries benefit from annual pruning to remove old wood and encourage the growth of new, fruit-bearing shoots. Rabbiteye varieties require less pruning but may benefit from occasional thinning and shaping.

Ripe blueberries growing in bunches from TN Nursery

Pest and Disease Management For Blueberry Plants

Blueberry plants are exposed to different pests and diseases, including blueberry maggot, mummy berry, and powdery mildew. Watch your plants regularly for symptoms of pest infestation or disease symptoms, such as yellowing leaves, wilting, or abnormal growth. Implement cultural practices like sanitation, mulching, and adequate spacing to minimize pest and disease pressure. In severe cases, chemical controls such as insecticides or fungicides may be necessary, but always follow label instructions and observe pre-harvest intervals to ensure food safety.

Harvesting and Storage Of Blueberry Plants

Blueberries generally ripen from late spring to early summer, depending on the variety and location. Harvest berries when they are fully ripe, plump, and have developed their characteristic blue color. Gently grasp the berries and pull them from the stem, not crushing or bruising the fruit. Blueberries are best enjoyed fresh but can also be frozen for long-term storage. Spread washed and dried berries in a single layer on a sheet and freeze until firm, then move them to airtight receptacles or freezer bags for storage.

Growing blueberry plants can be a gratifying endeavor, offering a bounty of delicious fruit and enhancing the beauty of your garden landscape. By selecting suitable varieties, providing optimal growing conditions, and enforcing beneficial maintenance and care practices, you can cultivate healthy and productive blueberry bushes for years. Whether you're a beginner gardener or a professional horticulturist, the joys of growing and harvesting your blueberries are well worth the effort invested in their cultivation.

TN Nurseries best-selling berry plants:

Mulberry Tree

Elderberry Bush

Wild Strawberry Plant

Black Raspberry

Wild Blackberry

Shop Our Fruit and Berry Shrubs

Visit our online shop for a wide selection of plants and trees, or come say hi at our store location in Tennessee!

We offer fast shipping nationwide so you can start transforming your garden today!

If you have any questions about berries or if you have any other plant needs, don’t hesitate to contact us at customerservice@tennesseewholesalenursery.com, we’d love to hear from you!

Rabbiteye Blueberry - TN Nursery

Rabbiteye Blueberry

Scientifically known as Vaccinium virgatum, is a delightful and versatile deciduous shrub native to the southeastern United States. This charming plant is cherished for its ornamental value, ease of cultivation, and contribution to gardens and landscapes. In fact, Rabbiteye Blueberry are found growing wild in sun-kissed patches all the way from North Carolina to Texas. The variety of blueberries is an exciting addition to any garden or landscape! Keep reading to learn why this berry with an unforgettable name is so prized by hobbyists and horticulturists. Rabbiteye Blueberry Appearance It is a large berry that hangs in clusters. In addition to its light hue, this berry's soft, powder-like dusting is a distinguishable feature. While it starts off green, they make a color transformation to pink before turning "true blue" upon achieving peak ripeness. In fact, it's this transformation that is credited with giving the berry its unusual name! During its pink phase, this berry resembles the eye of a white rabbit. Rabbiteye Blueberry Size They can vary in size. However, it's common for this bush to produce dime-sized to nickel-sized fruit. It's also not unheard of for some of these berries to weigh up to 3 grams each. The lightest breeze can carry the sweet natural fragrance of these berries across a lawn. Rabbiteye Blueberry Flowers This plant isn't only known for its glistening berries! When in flowering mode, it produces white flowers that are treasured for both their ornamental beauty and soft fragrance. This bush even has its own special pollinators. Both berry bees and carpenter bees are known to find their way to these flowers while they are in bloom. What Does a Rabbiteye Blueberry Look Like The rabbiteye is prized for its beautiful appearance. While a single bush is an attractive addition to any space, many people choose to fill spaces with multiple plants at once to create what horticulturalists call a lowbush field. This bush owes its full appearance to its ability to grow into a multi-stem shrub by robustly producing new stems from its root crown. On average, they can grow to be 6 to 8 feet tall by 6 to 10 feet wide. This bush is also known for its large berry clusters. A typical mature bush can yield anywhere from 8 pounds to 20 pounds of berries annually.

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High Bush Blueberry - TN Nursery

High Bush Blueberry

A deciduous shrub bearing clusters of small, sweet, and flavorful blueberries, known for its vibrant green foliage and pink to white bell-shaped flowers in spring. 3-4" Plug Size Shipped WHAT YOUR PLANT WILL LOOK LIKE WHEN YOU RECEIVE IT The Charming Look of the High Bush Blueberry The High Bush Blueberry is well known for its beautiful flowers and berries. It starts producing attractive, white flowers with a bell shape in early spring. These flowers then transform into charming clusters of green berries all over the plant. The berries slowly shift color throughout summer and turn from red to purple to blue. During late summer and early fall, heavy bunches of deep blue berries add color and visual interest to this shrub. The High Bush Blueberry Has A Attractive Shape If you're looking for larger shrubs, this is an excellent option. It grows to around 12 feet in height and in width. This plant tends to be quite dense and produces a lot of narrow, long stems from the center of the plant. Branches are typically a medium brown with a gray overtone and subtly textured bark. Each branch is covered in medium-sized leaves with a pointed tip. The leaves have a glossy finish and pale green veins. Improve Your Property by Planting High Bush Blueberry Plants This versatile plant works well in just about any situation where you want shrubs. They are a useful choice for larger flower beds that need taller plants to fill in gaps, or you can use them to surround trees or walls. This berry plant's compact, bushy shape also makes it a very attractive option for people who want a hedge. Consider placing a row of it along a property line or next to a driveway. The Impressive Seasonal Foliage of the High Bush Blueberry Plant All year round, this perennial plant has something to offer. In spring and summer, it features a wealth of green, shiny leaves. These leaves tend to be bright green when new and gradually darken to an emerald green. If you like fall foliage, this is the plant for you because it undergoes drastic changes as the weather cools. This plant is known for producing extremely bright red leaves that range from cherry red to maroon. Even in winter, when it loses its leaves, its thick clusters of delicate stems make it an attractive addition to a landscape.

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Mulberry Tree - TN Nursery

Mulberry Tree

The Mulberry tree has lobed leaves, often found in various species such as white, red, or black mulberries, and it produces sweet, berry-like fruits that vary in color, providing shade and a tasty harvest for many. A timeless and multifaceted addition to landscaping, bringing many benefits beyond its ornamental appeal. Its majestic stature and distinctive foliage make it an excellent choice for enhancing outdoor spaces, offering aesthetic and functional advantages. In terms of aesthetics, it boasts a unique and elegant appearance that can complement various landscaping styles. Its broad canopy and lush green leaves provide ample shade and create a tranquil ambiance, making it an inviting spot for relaxation, gatherings, and outdoor activities. Whether laden with juicy mulberries or not, the Old Fashioned Mulberry Tree's branches create an eye-catching focal point. Its adaptability to different soil types and conditions ensures its suitability for various landscaping projects, making it a versatile choice for urban and rural settings. Functionally, it offers numerous benefits. Its dense canopy provides adequate shade, helping to mitigate the harsh effects of sunlight and reducing temperatures in its vicinity. This feature creates a more comfortable outdoor environment and contributes to energy savings by lowering cooling demands for nearby buildings during hot seasons. Moreover, the Tree's roots help prevent soil erosion, stabilize the soil structure, and improve water retention, which is advantageous for preventing runoff and maintaining healthy soil conditions in landscaped areas. The mulberry tree also supports local wildlife by providing a valuable food source. Birds, such as robins and cedar waxwings, are particularly drawn to its fruit, enhancing biodiversity and creating a harmonious ecosystem within the landscape. Additionally, the Tree's leaves serve as food for certain caterpillars and insects, further contributing to the diversity of local fauna.  In conclusion, its role in landscaping transcends mere aesthetics. Its stature, shade provision, and positive environmental impact make it a valuable asset to any outdoor space. Combining its ornamental appeal with its practical benefits, this Tree is a testament to nature's ability to enhance our surroundings' beauty and functionality. Order your Mulberry Tree from TN Nursery today! Mulberry Tree:  The presence of mulberry trees in your environment improves the look and feel of the area. A mulberry tree even gives you a lovely shade since it grows tall and has large spreading canopies. The tree grows to provide an excellent relaxing spot for the summer. The tree sheds off its leaves in colder seasons, allowing you to experience the little sun available.  You will love the berries these trees produce as they are sweet and can be eaten straight out of being picked. The berries even improve the appearance of the tree. When ripe, mulberries are dark and juicy and give out a great flavor. Throughout the summer, you can enjoy these fruits and even use them to make jams and desserts. Unlike other trees, the mulberry grows fast and can produce fruits after only two years.  Typically, different trees have fruits after ten years or so. After its second year, your mulberry tree will keep increasing its fruit production and reach its maximum somewhere in its tenth year. Mulberry trees are quite hardy and can grow in pretty poor conditions. The tree can tolerate many types of soils, environments, and weather conditions.  Interestingly, deserts and the hot tropics are the only known challenging climates for the mulberry tree. Usually, they are capable of surviving arid seasons and can even tolerate the coldest of climates.  Mulberry trees attract lots of animals and insects, and these can help beautify your property to a significant extent. Beautiful birds and insects perch on the tree to get to the berries. This is the reason why nature lovers appreciate this tree. If you own a farm or other plants, the tree can also distract animals from eating your food. The berry production of the mulberry trees is enough to feed the birds, insects, animals, and even you.

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Elderberry Bush - TN Nursery

Elderberry Bush

The Elderberry shrub is a medium-sized shrubs with opposite compound leaves and clusters of tiny, creamy-white or pale pink flowers, followed by dark purple-black berries arranged in umbrella-like clusters. It is a versatile and beneficial plant used in landscaping. This deciduous shrub offers many advantages with its attractive foliage, beautiful blooms, and fruits. Add Beauty to Your Yard With The Elderberry Bush Deciduous elderberry bush can range in size from little trees to shrubs with several trunks. One type has small white blooms with five lobes, five stamens, and a tri-style ovary. Another type is yellowish-white and has five flattened petals. They thrive in partially shaded, damp places like meadows, marshes, forest borders, ditches, thickets, and floodplains. Typically, the most fertile canes are those that have developed lateral branches by the second year. After the fourth year of growth, you can trim off the older canes since they become much less productive. Increase Pollination With The Elderberry Bush They are great pollinator magnets due to the abundance of nectar in their huge, flat, shallow blossoms. Moths, beetles, flies, butterflies, and beetles are just some of the pollination insects that visit these blooms. They provide nectar and pollen for bees continuously throughout the growing season. When planted in clusters around an orchard, they will attract more pollinators. Even though they produce fruit on their own, they often experience an increase in yield when cross-pollination occurs. Create Privacy for Your Yard With The Elderberry Bush Because of their bushy growth and ability to produce new branches every year from the base, they are excellent for screening off unwanted views. Furthermore, they are capable of aggregating into thick masses, which makes them perfect for creating natural landscapes. They can also provide wind protection with their thick foliage. Planting them along driveways or fence rows is an excellent way to enjoy the seclusion they provide. Add Wildlife Nutrition With an Elderberry Bush They provide unparalleled natural habitats and food sources. Their aromatic blossoms encourage pollinators like bees and butterflies to visit the garden, which is good for biodiversity. They are an important part of a healthy ecosystem since they provide a source for birds and small animals like moose, foxes, bears, mice, and deer.

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Wild Strawberry Plant - TN Nursery

Wild Strawberry Plant

Wild Strawberry Plant is a low-growing perennial herb with trifoliate leaves and small, sweet, red berries, often found in a variety of habitats, including woodlands, meadows, and gardens. Wild Strawberry Plant is known by many names, but most people can recognize the fruits by sight. While it is famous as a fruit, this groundcover is also a popular ornamental in home gardens. Once you put it in the ground, it will quickly start to spread through runners. These runners can be moved to different areas, or you can leave them where they are for a full bed of green leaves and red fruits. Using Wild Strawberry Plant As an Ornamental In the wild, this perennial grows along roads, embankments, and trails. You can often find it at the edges of woodlands and meadows. It needs light to form fruit, so you won’t see any strawberries if it is in a shaded area. In these spaces, it simply looks like a cluster of lovely green leaves. This herbaceous perennial is technically a member of the rose family, although it doesn’t resemble the rose in appearance. It normally propagates using runners, so new leaves and flowers develop next to the original growth. If there are viable seeds, they will sometimes germinate in seed banks if they are undisturbed. Discover Lovely Wild Strawberry Plant Flowers Before the fruit develops, this perennial creates delicate, white flowers. It typically blooms in spring. As spring ends and early summer begins, the flowers turn into small, red fruits. This fruit is unique among other flora because the seeds are on the outside of the fruit. Enjoy Beautiful Plant Foliage With Wild Strawberry Plant While the fruit is the most famous part of this perennial, the leaves are also incredibly lovely to look at. In spring, the light-green leaves come out. They grow in threes and have toothed margins. Then, the leaves turn vivid colors at the end of the summer. Typically, you will find leaves in different shades of red and maroon. As they grow, these perennials form patches on the ground. This makes them ideal as a ground cover, although it can take a few years for a large patch to develop. Once they have been planted in the ground, you can expect elegant blooms for years to come.

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Black Raspberry - TN Nursery

Black Raspberry

The Black Raspberry plant has dark berries and distinctive foliage provide a visually striking contrast to other plants, enhancing the overall aesthetics of the landscape. Black raspberries (Rubus occidentalis) offer a variety of benefits when integrated into landscaping projects. These versatile plants blend aesthetic appeal, ecological contributions, and practical uses in outdoor spaces. What Are Black Raspberry The Black Raspberry plant is similar in color to blackberries. However, the fruits fall away when they ripen. As for the leaflets, they often appear white. These plants are native to eastern North America and are arching shrubs that can grow to around three to seven feet tall before the canes start to arch downward. Black Raspberry Leaf Appearances They come with alternate, compound leaves that consist of three to five leaflets apiece. The leaflets can be either lance-shaped or egg-shaped. They can also extend to a length of two to three inches. Each leaflet begins to taper toward the end. Side leaflets are narrower and smaller than the rest. All leaflets on the upper surface of the plant have a dark green hue. Upon close inspection, you'll notice that the leaflets along the upper surface are slightly hairy. The hair is more densely matted along the lower surface. A leaf stalk measures between 2 and 2.5 inches long. Black Raspberry Additional Features The twigs on them are smooth and flexible. They initially appear white during the first year of growth. However, they change colors with the season. During the warm summer months, the canes have a bluish-green hue. Once the winter arrives, they turn purple. When the temperatures are low, the canes may even turn a yellowish green. Older canes appear more trunk-like and have a somewhat smooth bark. They are reddish purple with a white coating. The wood itself is white and soft. The flowers that grow from these plants show up from April to June. They grow in close clusters that consist of three to seven flowers. As for the petals, they are usually white and narrow. They can start to grow in late June and July. They are small and firm fruits that have a strong aroma. Most raspberries have a globe shape alongside a flat base. Once fully grown, each raspberry is around 1/2-inch wide. Primary Characteristics Of Black Raspberry Plants contain small blue-black berries with tiny seeds. Native to North America The fresh season falls in the first few weeks of July. Full cane length is around 13 feet. Scientific name = Rubus occidentalis

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Wild Blackberry - TN Nursery

Wild Blackberry

Wild Blackberry is a thorny, woody shrub that produces small, sweet, and black or dark purple berries, often found in a variety of habitats, including woodlands, fields, and along roadsides. They are delightful additions to any garden or natural landscape, offering many benefits beyond their fruits. These hardy and versatile plants display various attributes that make them desirable for planting and cultivating. One notable attribute is their adaptability to various environmental conditions. They are commonly found in temperate and subtropical regions, thriving in diverse soil types ranging from sandy loam to clay. Additionally, they can tolerate almost anywhere planted, making them an ideal choice for many different garden settings. Another appealing feature of these plants is their aesthetic value. These bushes sport lush green foliage that turns shades of red and orange in the fall, creating a stunning display of colors as the seasons change. The plants produce beautiful white or pink flowers in spring, adding further charm to the landscape. With their graceful arching canes, they also serve as excellent natural barriers or hedgerows, enhancing privacy and providing habitat for wildlife. Wild blackberries play a vital role in supporting biodiversity; Beyond their ornamental value, they have ecological importance. They provide for various animals, birds, and insects. The dense thickets they form offer nesting sites for birds, while the berries serve as a crucial source for small mammals, such as chipmunks and raccoons, as well as pollinators like bees and butterflies. Moreover, these plants contribute to soil conservation. The extensive root systems help prevent erosion by stabilizing the soil and minimizing the risk of water runoff. Their capacity to colonize disturbed areas also aid in ecological restoration efforts, as they can play a role in reclaiming damaged landscapes. Wild Blackberry Attracts Wildlife  For gardeners looking to attract wildlife, these plants can be part of a carefully planned wildlife garden. Their ability to draw in birds and insects provides a rewarding experience for nature enthusiasts, fostering a connection with the local ecosystem. In conclusion, wild blackberry plants possess various attributes that make them desirable for planting. From their adaptability to different environments and aesthetic appeal to their ecological significance and soil-conserving properties, these plants offer numerous benefits to both gardeners and the environment. By incorporating wild blackberries into landscaping or wildlife gardens, individuals can create vibrant, biodiverse spaces that celebrate the beauty and functionality of nature. Order your Wild blackberry at TN Nursery The Wild Blackberry shrub, scientifically known as Rubus fruticosus, is a captivating and ubiquitous plant that thrives in various natural landscapes across North America and many other parts of the world. This resilient perennial shrub belongs to the Rubus genus within the Rosaceae family and is celebrated for its profound connection to the untamed beauty of the wilderness. At 3 to 10 feet tall, the shrub boasts an intricately woven network of arching canes adorned with thorny stems. These thorns, though formidable, serve as a natural defense mechanism for the plant against herbivores and provide an added layer of complexity to its appearance. The foliage features lush, dark green leaves with serrated edges, lending the plant a dense and inviting texture. Wild Blackberry Starts Spring With Stunning Pink Blooms One of the most captivating aspects of the shrub is its seasonal metamorphosis. In spring, delicate white to pale pink blossoms adorn the canes, exuding a sweet, subtle fragrance that attracts an array of pollinators, from bees to butterflies. As the seasons progress, these blossoms give way to the formation of tiny, green berries that gradually ripen into rich, glossy black orbs of natural bounty. Though not the focus here, the mature blackberries are a testament to the plant's role in providing sustenance to wildlife and humans. In the wild, the Wild Blackberry shrub symbolizes untamed beauty and tenacity. It thrives in various habitats, from open meadows to forested slopes, and can often be found alongside hiking trails, where its canes create natural barriers. Its presence is a reminder of nature's ability to flourish and adapt in diverse environments and an invitation to research the marvels of the natural world. The Wild Blackberry shrub, with its thorny canes, fragrant blooms, stands as a testament to the intricate web of life in the wild, where every element plays a vital role in the ecosystem.

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