After choosing what trees they want to be on their property and allowing them to reach maturity, many people give them little thought.
Sure, one might notice how the snow is laying on the limbs of your Eastern Red Cedar or the excellent color added to your landscape in the spring when your Purple Crepe Myrtle is in full bloom.
Have you ever thought about the roles trees in your yard play in the life of your child and your family?
So many people's childhood memories are full of events centered around the trees located on their property. My fondest memories are playing in the woods behind my house and using them for the ultimate jungle gym.
Then I collected leaves for a school project with my grandfather, and he told me which blade. I remember picking cherries with my grandmother fondly before the birds ate them all.
Or the disappointment that ran through the entire family when a winter ice storm damaged the tree to the point of having to be cut down.
That is the case for many other people, and we must continue this tradition. We already know that many children spend their time playing video games and inside play. It is high time we get them back outside and enjoy the nature surrounding them.
If one has a large tree-like a Chestnut Oak or a Poplar Tree, and you are handy, a treehouse is the ultimate fort and hiding spot for children of all ages. Even if one is not handy, plenty of businesses nowadays will come and complete your treehouse project from start to finish.
Even small gestures like an old timely tire swing hanging from the branches of your Silver Maple tree or allowing your children to jump and play in the piles of autumn leaves can leave lasting impressions on your child's mind.
There are many other ideas and ways to use trees and other elements of nature and make them a part of your family's memories, but even doing simple things can add to significant memories.
Source to Buy a Variety of Trees